Respected sir/Madam,
I have received a Job Offer Letter and Job Agreement for 60 months from Qatar Airways, Heathrow Airport(UK) with the Job reference : 008/013L/UKPF/T4-YL, Job Location : Heathrow Airport Middlesex TW6 1RS. Start up date from India is 23 Nov 2009. The letter & Agreement has been signed by Mr. George.L.Tippins, HR Executive, Qatar Airways, heathrow Airport, Middlesex TW6 1RS.

Kindly advise me the factness of the Job Offer please.

Thanking you in anticipation.
With Regards.
Avtar Singh
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J&W — verification of job offer

i have got a job offer from J & W, UK as follows

Dear Dr. Sachchida Nand Singh,

Thanks for your email and for accepting our job offer.

As one of the selected candidates, we have already forwarded the Hard Copies of your contract documents to the authorized immigration office (Travis Immigration Chambers) so that they can be able to assist you with the procurement and acquisition of your valid UK Visa, Work and Residence Permit Papers.

So you are kindly advised to contact them to enable them process and endorse your papers which will enable you to live and work in UK without any immigration problem.

With regards to our present terms of employment; you have to pay responsibly for the processing of your valid UK Visa, Works and Residence Permit papers, while you shall be duly reimbursed after your papers are processed and endorsed.

As soon as soon as your paper are being processed and endorsed, we shall send you your Air Ticket, Reimbursement for Visa Expense, First Month upfront salary, as well as other monetary benefits to enable you embark on your trip to Wales, UK, to take up your appointment.

You shall also receive the Hard Copies of your Contract and Traveling Documents from the authorized immigration office as soon as your papers are being processed and endorsed.

Thanks, and once again we congratulate you on your successful emergence.


Prof. Aberthol Owen
Human Resources Department
Kelsterton Road, Connah's Quay, Deeside
Flintshire, CH5 4BR.
Wales, United Kingdom.
Tel: +[protected]
Tel: +[protected]
Tel: +[protected]

Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 10:06:24 +0530
From: [protected]@yahoo.co.in
Subject: Acceptance confirmation
To: careers.jwu.[protected]@live.co.uk

Plz give me detail about it whether i should accept it or not.

Marks& Spencer — company varification

Posted:[protected] by Rekha Nair Send email


Dear All,

I have received the following letter from MARKS & SPENCER INDUSTRIES, CAMBRIDGE, LONDON.
I have a doubt on the genuinetty of the company and the letter. If this is a fake, I request the concerned authorities to take appropriate action against them.

saroj kumar

job offer letter — company verification

Dear All,

I have received the following letter from MARKS & SPENCER INDUSTRIES, CAMBRIDGE, LONDON.
I have a doubt on the genuinetty of the company and the letter. If this is a fake, I request the concerned authorities to take appropriate action against them.

Qatar Airways , Bennett Chamber — Fake Job Offer

Dear Lady / Sir,

I have received a letter from a mail address in domain , www.qatar-airways.co.cc , saying that I am approved to start co-working with them in London.
They introduces an office named Bennet Chamber , and people in that office asked me to furnish them with money and some relevant documents.
i just want to make sure if this matter is true or fake?hope you response quickly i also recieved this kind of email. thank you.

Job Offer — job verification


i as well recieve the same kind of email. it is request to qatar airways uk that kindly verify these offers
Even i have recieved the same agreement... please advise me that is it true or fake...
Just this morning I have received the same contract agreement. Please let me know if this is a scam or not.
I also got the same mail with the same forms, and all agreements.
I also got the visa application forms, and having same request that please let me know that weather this is true or fake.
I also got the same mail with the same forms, and all agreements.
I also got the visa application forms, and having same request that please let me know that weather this is true or fake.
also got the same mail with the same forms, and all agreements.
I also got the visa application forms, and having same request that please let me know that weather this is true or fake.
Emporio Armani Group, Plc to me
show details Dec 24 (6 days ago)

Emporio Armani Group Plc,
Registered Office,
51-53 New Bond Street,
United Kingdom,


I hereby extend to you, a chance to join us at Emporio Armani Fashions Group. Here at Emporio Armani, we seek to recruit individuals who are SKILLED, CREATIVE, MOTIVATED, FLEXIBLE and COMMITTED as a necessity for gaining competitive advantage.

These professionals are expected to achieve superior and sustainable performance through the Company’s values and through building trusting relationships. The vision of the company is to be the most outstanding Company in the Fashion Designing Industry, with the aim of having a team for global competitiveness by attracting, developing and retaining world class talents that deliver the best Fashion Designing solutions to our customers.

You are hereby offered a Contract letter duly signed. Make sure that you carefully read through it before signing it. It contains all the information which you need to know pertaining your newly offered job with the company; it also contains your Job Designation with the company and all other details. Upon signing it, we take it that you have accepted to adhere to all that is contained therein and therefore we would not entertain any issues that might go otherwise.

On your acceptance of the job offer, indicated by your signing of the Contract document, the Company will initiate the process of readying the necessary travel visa/work permit that will enable you to enter, live and work legally in the UK. However, before we go into doing that, you must get an Affidavit Of Guarantee from the British Crown Court here in the UK which will certify and guarantee the company of your interest and zeal to work with us, on or before the 7th of January, 2010.

Note that this Affidavit of Guarantee is NOT to be got from your present location but from here in the UK and the cost of procuring this certificate from here MUST be paid upfront by you, as a sign of commitment, zeal and readiness to join us. The Company will send you a refund within 5 working days prior to your departure for the UK and by this time, your travel documents must have been ready.

The Company will ONLY begin the process of getting your travel visa/work permit on acquisition of the Affidavit of Guarantee. To acquire this Affidavit, you have to contact the Company's legal Solicitor, Barrister Cooper Frost of the Danielle Cohen Solicitors. His contact details are in the second page of the contract document. He will let you know the procedure, cost details and requirement for acquiring the Affidavit of Guarantee.

Do contact me for clarifications, if any. You are welcome to the Emporio Armani family. We look towards having a fulfilled time while working with you.


Owen Reeves
Human Resource Manager
Emporio Armani Fashions Group,
United Kingdom,
Tel: +[protected],
Mobile +[protected]
Email: hr.[protected]@emporioarmani.uk.com

its a fake r i waiteng for ur replay

rio Armani Group

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Emporio Armani Group, PlcEmporio Armani Group Plc, Registered Office, 51-53 New Bond Street, London, U...
Dec 24 (6 days ago)

Emporio Armani Group, PlcLoading...Dec 24 (6 days ago)

Reply |Emporio Armani Group, Plc to me
show details Dec 24 (6 days ago)

Emporio Armani Group Plc,
Registered Office,
51-53 New Bond Street,
United Kingdom,


I hereby extend to you, a chance to join us at Emporio Armani Fashions Group. Here at Emporio Armani, we seek to recruit individuals who are SKILLED, CREATIVE, MOTIVATED, FLEXIBLE and COMMITTED as a necessity for gaining competitive advantage.

These professionals are expected to achieve superior and sustainable performance through the Company’s values and through building trusting relationships. The vision of the company is to be the most outstanding Company in the Fashion Designing Industry, with the aim of having a team for global competitiveness by attracting, developing and retaining world class talents that deliver the best Fashion Designing solutions to our customers.

You are hereby offered a Contract letter duly signed. Make sure that you carefully read through it before signing it. It contains all the information which you need to know pertaining your newly offered job with the company; it also contains your Job Designation with the company and all other details. Upon signing it, we take it that you have accepted to adhere to all that is contained therein and therefore we would not entertain any issues that might go otherwise.

On your acceptance of the job offer, indicated by your signing of the Contract document, the Company will initiate the process of readying the necessary travel visa/work permit that will enable you to enter, live and work legally in the UK. However, before we go into doing that, you must get an Affidavit Of Guarantee from the British Crown Court here in the UK which will certify and guarantee the company of your interest and zeal to work with us, on or before the 7th of January, 2010.

Note that this Affidavit of Guarantee is NOT to be got from your present location but from here in the UK and the cost of procuring this certificate from here MUST be paid upfront by you, as a sign of commitment, zeal and readiness to join us. The Company will send you a refund within 5 working days prior to your departure for the UK and by this time, your travel documents must have been ready.

The Company will ONLY begin the process of getting your travel visa/work permit on acquisition of the Affidavit of Guarantee. To acquire this Affidavit, you have to contact the Company's legal Solicitor, Barrister Cooper Frost of the Danielle Cohen Solicitors. His contact details are in the second page of the contract document. He will let you know the procedure, cost details and requirement for acquiring the Affidavit of Guarantee.

Do contact me for clarifications, if any. You are welcome to the Emporio Armani family. We look towards having a fulfilled time while working with you.


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I to have this job offer is it a scam?
also got the same mail with the same forms, and all agreements.
I also got the visa application forms, and having same request that please let me know that weather this is true or fake.
I also got the same mail with the same forms, and all agreements.
I also got the visa application forms, and having same request that please let me know that weather this is true or fake.

Plz help me ASA
i also got these all things.
so please be clear that it is true or fake. it is the question of our career..
i have recieved the same too plz let me know abt the same.
Dear Sir/Mam

I have also received a Job Offer Letter and Job Agreement for 60 months from Qatar Airways, Heathrow Airport(UK) with the Job reference : 010/015L/UKPF/T4-YL, Job Location : Heathrow Airport Middlesex TW6 1RS. Start up date from India is 23 March 2009. The letter & Agreement has been signed by Mr. George.L.Tippins, HR Executive, Qatar Airways, heathrow Airport, Middlesex TW6 1RS.

Kindly advise me very early the factness of the Job Offer please.
And so please let me know whether is it true or false.

Thanks & Regard-
Ravindra Shrivas
+91 [protected]
New Delhi-India

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