
Locanto FAQ, Answers, Tutorials

Last updated May 25, 2024
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Locanto Questions, Answers, Tutorials(93)

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Can you post an ad in multiple locations on Locanto?

Locanto is designed for local trading. Please post your ad in your own city or the closest city in the area. Keep in mind that it is not possible to change the location of your posted ad.


However, if you want to post in several cities or even nationwide, you can purchase Premium Features that will increase the reach of your ad. Find more information here.

Can you also offer your service in non-service categories on Locanto?

The category “Services” is for service providers; you can place your service-related ad there and select the respective sub-category.

You can also offer your service in a non-service category, if you upgrade your ad as a Top Ad with Category Extension. This Premium Feature allows you to place your ad in other relevant categories. Find more information about our Premium Features on Locanto info page.

Can you post multiple ads on Locanto?

Posting more than 1,000 ads gives you the opportunity to become a Locanto partner. As a Locanto partner, you can upload several ads via CSV or XML files. For additional information, view the “Partner with Locanto” section of our desktop website.

Do you have to pay to post a commercial ad on Locanto?

No, posting ads on Locanto is always free. This applies both to private and commercial ads. However, there are a few selected categories that require Premium Features to activate your ad.


Please note, as a commercial trader you are obliged to trade under your local country’s commercial laws.


If you would like to place your commercial ad in non-service categories, you can purchase a Category Extension. You can find more information here: Premium Features Info Page

Why have you not received a confirmation email from Locanto?

If you didn’t receive a confirmation email, please check your spam folder. If the email isn’t there, please contact Locanto via their Contact form.

What can you do if the Captcha code doesn’t work on Locanto?

If the Captcha code doesn’t work, please check that all cookies are ensured and JavaScript is on your browser. If JavaScript isn’t installed, you can download it for free at


If this doesn’t work, please try using a different browser, and ensure the browser accepts JavaScript.

Why are you getting an error message when you try to post an ad on Locanto?

Be sure your ad does not violate Locanto Prohibited Content Policy.


Locanto stands for “local classifieds''; this means you are only permitted to post ads in the country you are currently residing in. Unfortunately, if you are currently in a different country than the one that you are trying to post an ad, you won't be able to post it.


Should neither of these be the case and you still have trouble posting an ad, contact us via Locanto contact form. Please include the ad’s title and description in your message so that Locanto can assist you better.

Why do you need to verify your phone number on Locanto?

For safety reasons, you can only post ads in certain categories once you have confirmed your Locanto Account. This requirement allows Locanto to ensure better and scam-free ads on the site. Additionally, in an effort to protect Locanto users, they will sometimes ask you to verify your identity via SMS or phone call.


Please provide your phone number and select “send code”. You will then receive a text or phone call with a confirmation code. Type in this code and select “confirm”. 


Please note: it is not possible to use the same number to verify two or more active accounts.


Your phone number will only be used once for confirmation, and will not be passed on to third parties for marketing. Neither will it be visible to other users.

What do you do when the confirmation of your phone number doesn’t work on Locanto?

Please check that you typed in the right phone number. If the number is correct, but you have not received a text or phone call with a confirmation code, please contact Locanto Customer Service via Locanto contact form. Please provide information on what does not work, what you have already tried, and if you got any error message.


If you see the error message "This phone number is already linked to another Locanto account”, please click here for more information.

Why are Premium Features mandatory in some areas on Locanto?

While posting an ad on Locanto is free, due to abusive ad posting by professional spammers and agencies, some areas recently changed to Premium Features only. This means that you need to purchase at least one Premium Feature to activate your ad.


This was a joint decision made by the Locanto community to ensure content quality in their site.

Why was your image removed from an ad on Locanto?

Your image may have been removed because it does not adhere to one or more of the following guidelines:


- Your image does not comply with the rules set out in Locanto Prohibited Content Policy


- The image should be in .png, .gif or .jpeg format and should not exceed 20MB per file


If you feel your removed image complies with all guidelines, please send Locanto the image via their contact form and they will review its suitability.

Can you change the location of your ad on Locanto?

It’s not possible to change the city of an ad once the ad has been posted, even with a Premium Feature. Please ensure the city is correct before posting an ad.

How can you edit or delete your ad from Locanto?

Log into your Locanto account, go to “My Ads” to get an overview of your ads, and there you can choose to edit/delete them.


However, the location of your ad cannot be changed and deleted ads cannot be restored, not even by Locanto customer support team.

Why is your ad still “pending” on Locanto?

To ensure good quality ads on Locanto, Locanto reviews ads at random, as well as those which have been flagged by other users.

If your ad is “pending”, it means that it still has to go through the review process. This could take some time because it is a first-come, first-served basis.

Why was your ad removed from Locanto?

There are several reasons why an ad could be removed from Locanto:


  • Your ad violates Locanto Prohibited Content Policy

  • The ad was posted in multiple cities

  • The ad was posted more than once

  • The ad has expired and was not renewed


For additional information, please read Locanto Terms of Use.

Why has your ad in Classes or Events already expired on Locanto?

Ads that were posted to the Classes and Events categories automatically expire when the class or event has passed. If you offer several similar classes or events, you can renew your ad by updating the start and finish dates. To do that, just log into your account and select “Edit my Ads” to renew your ad.


If the date of the class or event has not yet passed, there are various reasons why your ad could have been removed from Locanto:


  • The ad violates Locanto Prohibited Content Policy.

  • Another user reported the ad as spam or offensive.

  • The ad was posted in multiple cities. (Locanto is about local classifieds. Please post ads within the city in which you reside.)

How can you find out how often your ad has been viewed on Locanto?

Log into “My Locanto” and go to “My Ads” to get an overview of your ads; at the bottom-right corner of each ad, you will see the total number of views.

How can you share your Locanto ad on Facebook?

Go to the Edit Profile page and click on the Facebook “Grant permission” button. You will be asked to log in to your Facebook account and determine who can see your Locanto ad on Facebook. Later on you will find the option to “Post your ad automatically on Facebook” in selected categories when you post a new ad.

What can you do to increase the amount of clicks and enquiries your ad receives on Locanto?

We offer Premium Features that help your ads stand out from the crowd. It will either appear at the top of users’ search results or in a special gallery to the right; this will make it look more appealing and attract more attention to your ad. Visit our Info page for more information.


Be sure to include images and a detailed description to make your ad even more successful. Tell your friends about Locanto! Share your ad on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. The more people visiting Locanto, the more views and enquiries for your ads.

How long will ads remain active on Locanto?

In most categories, your ad will remain posted for 42 days, but there are some exceptions. In the “My Ads” section of your account, you can see the remaining duration of your ad. Locanto will also inform you of your ad’s status before it expires.