
Locanto FAQ, Answers, Tutorials

Last updated May 25, 2024
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Locanto Questions, Answers, Tutorials(93)

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Can you delete a review from Locanto?

Premium Account holders can delete one review per month. Learn more.


Please note that purchasing Premium Features for ads doesn’t allow you to delete reviews.

If you already have a Premium Account and want to delete a review, please go to“My Locanto” (top-right corner of the page) and select “View my profile”. Finally, you can eliminate a review by clicking on the grey “Delete” button, under the review you’ll like to delete. Remember that it’s only possible to delete one review per month.


Should you find content in the review that violates human rights, the law or Locanto Advertiser Review Policy, please use Locanto contact form to report this immediately.

How often can you rate a particular advertiser on Locanto?

You can only review an advertiser once. Keep in mind, if you are contacting the same advertiser multiple times via different ads, you will still only be able to review them once.

What are your general rules for reviewing on Locanto?

How can you make your ad stand out from the crowd on Locanto?

Locanto offers Premium Features if you want your ad to stand out.. These are the best way to highlight your ad and ensure more people see it.


You can choose between Top Ad, Gallery Ad and Premium Ad. You can also enhance the Top Ad with the Pole Position, City Extension, and Category Extension.

What are “Premium Features” on Locanto?

Premium Features” give ads a unique look compared to others on Locanto. Your ads will be seen more often and lead to greater success. There are three options, which can be combined: “Gallery Ad”, “Top Ad” and “Premium Ad”.

What is a “Gallery Ad” on Locanto?

Gallery Ad” features your ad in the Category-Gallery on the right side of every page in your selected category. On the mobile site, Gallery Ads are displayed on top of the page. Gallery Ads are shown in rotation, if the amount of Gallery Ads purchased exceeds the available space.

What is a “Top Ad” on Locanto?

With the “Top Ad” feature, your ad will always appear at the top of the results in your category and will be seen first by users. Your ad will also be labelled “TOP” and stand out on the results page. If there are multiple Top Ads in the same category, then ads will be shuffled.


Pole Position is shown above all Top Ads and following pages of the category as a sponsored ad. It rotates with other Pole Position ads.


Want your ad to be visible in nearby cities and even nationwide?

The City Extension upgrade lets your ad appear as “Sponsored Ad” in nearby cities of your choice. If you purchase “Nationwide” it will appear in all cities in your country. City Extension Ads are visible on all pages of a category.


Do you want your ad to be visible where your target customers are browsing?

The Category Extension upgrade lets your ad appear as “Sponsored Ad” in related categories. It is displayed on top of the chosen category page. Category Extension Ads are visible on all pages of the category.

In case of multiple purchases, upgraded ads are shown in rotation.


City Extension and Category Extension upgrades are only available in selected cities and categories.


You can find further information on the Locanto Info page for Premium Features.

What is a “Premium Ad” on Locanto?

The “Premium Ad” feature removes all other forms of advertising. This allows your ad to appear without banners or references to other ads when a user sees your ad. Your Premium Ad will display on your chosen categories results page highlighted with a “Premium” label.

What is the difference between a Premium Account and a Premium Ad on Locanto?

With a Premium Account you enjoy many benefits. You can reply to reviews, see the online status of other users and much more. You can find more information here.

However, your ads will NOT automatically change to Premium Ads.


A Premium Ad stands out from other ads because it is marked with PREMIUM. When you book a Premium Ad, all third-party ads and links to similar ads will also be removed. More information can be found here.

How can you upgrade your ad(s) with Premium Features on Locanto?

If you want to add Premium Features, you first have to create your ad. Then select the desired Premium Features and their duration. Next, follow the steps at the checkout.


You can also add Premium Features if your ad is already online. Log in to your account and click on “My Ads”. Next to each ad you can select the Premium Feature(s) and their duration. Then, click on “Save”. After you selected all desired Premium Features click on “Proceed” and follow the steps at the checkout.

Can you add Premium Features to your existing ad(s) on Locanto?

Yes, click on “My Ads” under the “My Locanto” dropdown menu and log in. Choose the ad you want to upgrade and just click on “Premium Features”. You can buy a Premium Feature for a minimum duration of one week.

How much do Premium Features cost on Locanto?

The cost depends on the Premium Features available per category. You can review the price and duration after you placed your free ad on Locanto. Minimum duration for Premium Features is one week.

Which payment methods can you use for Premium Features on Locanto?

Locanto accepts most common payment methods. You can select your preferred option at the checkout.

Will you receive a receipt after the payment is complete on Locanto?

Your receipts (proof of payment) can always be viewed, downloaded, and printed once logged into your account. Access “My Locanto” and click on “Purchases”. Look for the month you want to download the receipt(s) for and click on the PDF icon next to the title “Invoice(s)”.


Locanto will inform you about your invoice(s) (proof of payment) at the beginning of each month following your Premium Feature purchase.

How can you undo your published ad with Premium Features on Locanto?

If you have created an ad with Premium Features and it is already paid for, it is possible for you to delete the ad. The Premium Feature fees however, are non-refundable.


Please also note that deleted ads cannot be restored, not even by Locanto customer support team.

Will you get my money back, if your Premium Features ad is deleted on Locanto?

If your ad violates Locanto Terms Of Use or has been reported by other users as scam or spam, and Locanto deletes your ad for any of those reasons we cannot refund any fees already paid for Premium Features. Please read Locanto Terms Of Use.

How can you cancel the auto-renewal of your Premium Features on Locanto?

You may cancel your auto-renewed Premium Features by logging into your account and going to “My Locanto”. Under “Purchases”, use the filter to only show auto-renewals. 


Look for the auto-renewal you want to cancel and click on “cancel” on the right side. You should see the confirmation that it has been done.


The selected recurring payment should disappear from the list after refreshing the page.

You paid for Premium Features on Locanto but your ad has not been upgraded on.

It’s possible your payment is still pending. When making online purchases, the funds in your account can be frozen while your bank is waiting for the transaction to go through. This can also happen in cases of failed payments, so Locanto recommends that you carefully check your bank or credit card statement to see the status of your payment and, if necessary, contact your bank for confirmation.


Bank transfers usually take 3 working days to process. If you made the payment more than 4 days ago and still have not received a confirmation, please get in touch with customer support and include a digital scan or copy of the bank receipt. Indicate the bank transfer transaction number and the corresponding payment reference number so we can activate your Premium Features immediately.

You cannot find your Premium Features Ad/s online on Locanto.

These are possible reasons:


  • Please refresh your browser or reload the page before checking the site again (CTRL + R). Top Ads with City or Category Extensions can take up to an hour before they are visible. This is due to database update processes.

  • Pole Position Ads rotate if there are multiple purchases. Reload the page to make ads rotate until your ad is shown.

  • You are in the wrong category or location. Please check the email that Locanto sent you.

  • Payment processing takes longer in some cases. Premium Features will not be activated until confirmation.


The transferred amount will only be used once Premium Features are online.

Why does your purchase keep failing on Locanto?

Many banks and credit card providers block overseas payments, so it’s a good idea to check with your bank if this is the case. You can also check if you are entering the billing information correctly, including the CVV number (three digits on the back of your credit card). Finally, please double check that you have enough available funds in your account or credit card. These three scenarios are the most common reasons for rejected payments.