Purchased the domain and also the email id of the enterprise business. Support agents gave different nos on the amount of mails that can be sent per day. One said 100 per hour. One more said 500 in one go and not more than 2000 per day. One said 750 in one go. But the max limit per 24 hours is 2000. We are basically into staffing and we do send company mailers. We did let them know the type of mails that is being sent and told that we are not in spamming business. When mails within the limit was sent, they suspended the email id. Before sending mails the emai id's are verified for authenticity. Despite doing this mails bounced. The bouncing of mails is treated as spam. Despite explaining with justification, email id was suspended. When refund of money was asked for, they said refund is not possible. It was a bad experience with bigrock.
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