Address: | Mumbai City, Maharashtra, 400069 |
A few days back i registered a domain with big rock, it is been more than 3 days and i have got around 20 calls for website building. What the hell you guys think of yourself when it comes to consumer data privacy.
Stop earning by selling consumer data.
Every time i am busy with work i get a call or message for website building.
Some of the companies mentioned my domain name and some told me that they are talking on behalf of big rock.
Even after my number is dnd i am getting calls from personal mobile numbers.
I request consumer forum to take an urgent and strict action on this data selling process by big rock. Was this information helpful? |
We don't sell your details. Your details are visible on the internet since you've not opted for Privacy Protect service. Your details become visible on the web via WHOIS if you do not have Privacy Protect. You should be able to get it from your control panel. Do let us know if you need help.
You can read more about it here:"