[Resolved]  DLF Belaire — Cheating the Customers

DLF through their brokers made us apply for an apartment in Belaire. The form was not filled-in and was taken saying that DLF would call us and discuss the options with a cheque for 20 Lakhs.
The building was suppose to be of 20 floors. The land is on Freehold basis to be equally divided among the allottees.

Thereafter they alloted us 2nd floor with "Preferential" charges. When we disagreed they told us that we will loose all the booking money, if we do not sign the agreement within 30 days.

We started to pay the money than they informed us that they are working on getting additional floors on top. This implies that they will make more money & our share of land will go down. DLF should either reduce the price of apartment for allottees like us who booked when the project was declared to be of 20 floors.

Now we are stuck with this. We can neither keep the apartment nor can we exit as we will loose our 20 lakhs + Brokers commision (3-1/2 lakhs) which DLF paid to broker without asking us
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 
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Even we are facing similar situation w.r.t DLF Garden City Chennai Project. DLF is armtwisting buyers to part with money when approvals are not in place.
DLF is a bunch of crooks. They have recently being hauled up for fudging their taxes.
DLF has been cheating its customers in one way or the other in Gurgaon. All their projects introduced during the last five years have been delayed and the builders have been avoiding to adhere to the penalty class under the pretext that the delayed penality is payable to the original allottees. They are master in the art of twisting the arms of the allottees. When faced with difficult situations they have managed to get back licence fee of more than Rs.200 crores - that is a clear pointer of their restoring to all illicit favours.
DLF has robbed their Customers over the years to fill their coffers. They have been cheating, arm twisting their customers. Are their any associations for DLF Belaire, who have filed a Legal case against them?
having been at receiving end from DLF we have taken them to court on completely one sided agreements with such clauses that will not stand legal scrutiny. this shoudl be a class action suit.
Hearing that DLF is reducing the price of still "unsold" Belaire apartment by 30%. This immediately locks in a significant loss for original allottees. DLF appears to be protecting itself by selling more apartments at a lower price. The party that remains unprotected are the original allottees. What would be fair is for DLF to offer concessions to original allottess as well, so that everybody is treated fairly.

Seems like the original allottees need to unite and challenge DLF. Unity has strength.

jai lal and sons — change of plan

to whom so may it concern as i m very very tired of complainting about my airtel dsl broadband plan..As i donot hav enogh downloading so i dont need unlimited plan..i want 2 go into limited plan 2 enjoy more speed...so its my request 2 change my plan as soon as possible...otherwise i dont want this connection..
Are there any other Belaire owners out there who would like to connect together?

Please email me
I thinks its very important we all form a group and collectively fight against DLF. Similar collective actions have shown positive result in other projects in Gurgaon. There are 2 clear issues:

1. Initially the project was announced only for 18 floors which they unilaterally increased to 27 floors. It will have a huge strain on the common facilities.

2. Delay of approx 2-3 years in completion.

DLF should offer rebate / discount to original allottees.
I am also a DLF Belaire owner and very upset with the treatment that we have got. Please email me at sanjay.bhasin at gmail.com and I will be happy to form a collective bargaining forum against DLF. Individually we will get nothing but let us unite and there is a better chance of getting justice.

// Sanjay Bhasin
DLF is definately a bunch of crooks. They have been known to cheat their customers as that's how they have become rich.
The director general (DG) in charge of investigations at the Competition Commission of India (CCI) has found that real estate company DLF Ltd abused its dominant position, building two Gurgaon projects without the requisite approvals or seeking clearance from the Haryana government for changes that were made to the original plans.

DLF, the country’s largest developer, declined to comment on the issue because the matter was sub-judice. “CCI has asked us to give our comments/objections to this report, ” the company’s spokesperson said in an emailed response.

The report only amounts to the findings of the investigation and is not an indictment.

CCI is expected to deliver a final ruling, based on the inquiry, after giving an opportunity to all parties involved to present their case.

Mint has reviewed a copy of the DG’s report on its investigations into two developments in Gurgaon—DLF Belaire and DLF Park Place. The case was filed by apartment buyers protesting against delays in delivery and changes in plans.

The company framed the agreement clauses in such a manner that homebuyers were not able to understand the allotted carpet area and the necessary changes thereafter, said M.L. Lahoty, counsel for the petitioners.

The company didn’t inform the buyers about changes in the number of floors, he said, confirming that DLF had been asked to reply to the report’s findings.

Counsel for the petitioners has also filed applications asking about the date of completion for the two projects. CCI will hear the case on 6 January.

DLF Belaire buyers moved CCI in May, saying the company had indulged in “anti-consumer and anti-competitive” practices. The petition before CCI, filed by Belaire Owners Association against DLF; Department of Town and Country Planning, Haryana; and Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA), states that DLF has failed to deliver the residential project on time.

Both the projects are expected to have 2, 200 flats priced between Rs.1.5 crore and Rs.3 crore, likely to be delivered next year against the original deadline of 2009-end.
We knew something was fishy in this project from the very begining, when we were forced/coerced to sign the agreement. Now we see the real fun. Deepak Kapoor, Valsala, K.P Singh and his cronies must all be sent to jail under section 420.
The investigation wing of the Competition Commission of India (CCI) has suggested forming model real estate regulations to safeguard customers from discriminatory treatment.

It has cited examples of building regulations from at least eight developed nations to point out how the absence of proper regulations are helping the real estate industry to frame clauses that are against consumer interest.

The observations of the director general (investigations) are part of his internal report to CCI on complaints raised by some customers of real estate major DLF. The customers had alleged that the company had “abused” its “dominant position” by putting “discriminatory and abusive clauses” in the apartment agreements provided to the allottees of the Belaire and Park Place projects in Gurgaon, Haryana.

The DG report points out several instances where construction was started by real estate players before they received actual approvals from government bodies like town planning departments.

The report takes note of the real estate building procedure of countries such as Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden to highlight the common conditions that are in place as consumer safeguards.

It says that in most of these countries, the title of the land has to be clear and fully paid up before any property is allowed to be placed in the market for sale. Similarly, approvals of building plans and valuation of the financial status of the builder are prerequisites.

Even when the builder announces a project, the real estate firm will have to specify the rates for sale of covered area. No super areas or hidden cost will be allowed later.

The DG report also notes that most European laws permit a customer to book the apartment with a payment of 10 per cent as the booking amount. All payments and receipts towards the project are deposited in escrow accounts exclusively attributed to the project and these funds cannot be shifted around. Similarly, the final settlement takes place only after the property is delivered and the consumer is given a three-month “live-in” period to draw up a list of faults and defects to be cleared by the developer.

The reports recommend CCI to engage the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Ministry o[censored]rban Development and all state governments to come out with model real estate laws that stipulates similar conditions for the benefit of the consumer.

The DG’s investigation report is an internal document and the final decision is taken by CCI after its assesses the report.
K.P Singh and Gang, the world is changing. You can fool some of the people some of the time. You cannot fool all the people, all the time.

People Power...is supreme...If you have any shame...come and talk to the buyers of Belaire... We might even forgive you...
DLF Ruining India
People should know how DLF is ruining India by continuing to take advantage of subservient masses of India. Indian masses are nurtured and indoctrinated over thousand of years to remain apathetic and obedient to the mighty Lords. DLF exactly know this very well and have exploited this very trait of Indians to become one of the most richest person on this earth.
In the year 2006 DLF had launched a 19 floor apartment at a prime location in Gurgaon called The Belaire. I also booked a 4 bedroom flat and paid the earnest money on the 5th of september 2006. Subsequently I received a payment schedule from them on the 30th September 2006 where I was expected to pay them the entire money by 5th of December 2008. The very next letter was a demand notice on the 16th Oct. 2006 for the next installment due. There was no mention of any Agreement, no mention of any building sanctioned or something but a demand notice for more money. I live next door to this planned building and I was very well aware that there was no movement at all on the construction site than why on earth DLF was seeking more money from me. The only relationship I had with this DLF was for the purchase of this apartment in this building, why on earth would they require more money from me when they have not even started to excavate the site area. I did not budge, but not for long. They again served with a notice on the 7th Nov. 2006 as a reminder of their dues. Imagine my condition where I am living next door to this site and not like some NRI or from Delhi, could see the development at the ground on daily basis. Right outside my balcony. It did not stop here and I received another threatening reminder from them on the 22nd Nov. 2006 to cough up the money or face cancellation that could result in the forfeiture of my entire money that I had paid to them. Despite the fact that there was no agreement signed, despite the fact that there was no ground movement, despite the fact there was nothing tangible that I could see with respect to this building yet, I relented and paid them the due money.
You can not imagine what was in store for me. The black shadow of DLF engulfing me and the peace of my life. They threatened me with notices and obnoxious replies over the and than came this letter on the 26th of December 2006 where they were patting on their chest for their victory over hapless customers like me and claiming to have performed the Bhoomi Pujan on the 21st December 2006 on that land. They have been threatening me of dire consequences, threatening me to confiscate my earnest money, threatening me of sending demand notice of another arrears due to the other expenses that DLF had to pay on my behalf like brokerage etc.. and after all this they have acknowledged that "Yes, we know that we had not even started the work at the site but what the heck, what can you do about it". You all would be shocked to know that today we have come to know ( after using RTI act and extracting information from the DTPC) that it was only on the 2nd January 2007 that DLF had formally submitted the building plan sanction paper with the authorities for the due scrutiny and approval of the project. It was only on the 18th April they had received the approvals from the authorities for the construction of 19 floor apartment called The Belaire. This only only proves the extent our nation has accepted the corruption as the way of life where one of the most richest man on this earth plays around with the law of our land without any respect or fear in the broad day light.
The story goes on from here and to the worst where I ended up with a cancellation letter in my hand and a cheque worth less by Rs. 46 lacs. Today it has reached to a stage where I have left my job of a MNC and have joined full time an Association to fight my case against DLF and bring them down forever. I would not go down come what may, even if I would be assassinated by DLF goons. And for The Belaire, it is a 29 Floor building today standing naked on the crossroad of Phase 5, Gurgaon hounded by 350 original allottees of the year 2006 for compensation worth more that Rs. 500 crores.
DLF is known to be close to the Congress Party, hence we know there will be no action against them as long as Congress is in the Centre and Haryana. DLF must have greased Congress nice and well.

DLF has allegedly gifted 2 Super Luxury Apartments to the son-in-law of the most powerful family of India. That must be probed as well.
was planning to buy a flat in belaire, but after reading all the reviews, will think over 100 times, thanks to all of you
wanted to have the contact number of Belaire Owners Association. i appreciate what you guys have achieved. i've bought a flat in DLF New Town Heights in Kochi as a second sale from the original owner. i've refused to sign the agreement papers in dec 2010 due to disagreement on certain clauses; though i'm mkaing all payments on time. i've aksed the DLF Kochi office to drop all one sided, discriminatory clauses in the agreement. i would highly appreciate if you can provide me with your contacts email to start with so that i can get some insight of resolving the matter with DLF.
NEW DELHI—India's competition regulator has fined property developer DLF Ltd. 6.3 billion rupees ($139 million) for abusing its dominant market position, after the owners of an apartment block the company is building complained about the addition of extra floors and project delays.

The Competition Commission of India's verdict Friday came after an owners' association said the company, which is the country's largest property developer by sales, had imposed arbitrary, unfair and unreasonable conditions on them.

The Belaire Owner's Association, representing the buyers of apartments in a DLF project in Gurgaon, on the outskirts of New Delhi, alleged the developer had planned to build 19 floors in 36 months, but instead had built 29 floors, which disadvantaged existing buyers and led to delays.

The penalty equates to 7% of the company's average revenue in its last three financial years.

DLF Group Executive Director Rajeev Talwar told Dow Jones Newswires: "We are studying the order. We will consult our legal experts on the options ahead. We believe that we have a very strong case."

In its complaint, the association said: "The fall-out of the delay is that the hundreds of apartment allottees have to bear huge financial losses, as while on one hand, their hard-earned money is blocked, on the other hand, they have to wait indefinitely for occupation of their respective apartments."

The commission ruled DLF had carried out abusive practices "with the object o[censored]ndue economic gains and business profits."

It asked DLF to desist from formulating and imposing unfair conditions in its agreements with buyers in Gurgaon and to modify the unfair conditions within three months.

—Nikhil Gulati contributed to this article.
Write to Rakesh Sharma at rakesh.[protected]@dowjones.com

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