Letter Sent to MD of Gujarat Guardian is reproduced below. So far no response.
Mr. David L Rose
Gujarat Guardian Ltd.
State High Way 13
Village Kondha, Valia Road
Ankleshwar, Gujarat-393001
Sub: Pathetic Customer Service at Gujarat Guardian-
(2)Supply & Fixing of Modi Guard Mirrors by Shri Balaji, Glass & Pipe House, Rama Market, Pitam Pura , Delhi 110034 at G 63 Ashok Vihar I New Delhi 110052
Dear Mr. Rose,
I regret to bring to your attention the pathetic customer service being provided by your marketing division in New Delhi. It appears that Gujarat Guardian marketing office in New Delhi believes that there is no need for them to look into customer complaints and thus, allowing the dealers and shopkeepers to treat the customers at their whims and fancy.
I am narrating the incidence in brief and request you to depute a senior officer of your organization to look into the matter.
The case pertains to supply and fixing of Modi Guard mirrors by Shri Bala ji Glass and Pipe House,219-B/4 Rama Market ,Pitam Pura,Delhi 110034 ( Ph: 27012705, 27022705,[protected] in March,2009, which developed 2 black spots of about 2 inch diameter within a month of its installation.
The undersigned contacted the proprietor of Shri Balaji, Mr. D.P.Aggarwal to look into the problem and replace the defective mirrors. I had to call him several times and it took him more than a month to send his representative , Mr.Devendra to see the mirrors. Mr.Devendra confirmed that he will inform Mr. Aggarwal to replace the mirrors.
When I did not hear from Shri Balaji for more than a fortnight, I called them and left several messages for Mr. Aggarwal, but neither he took my call on his cell phone nor called back. Almost after a month, I could speak to him. He point blank told me that he has not been told any thing in this regard and will find out and let me know. He however, told me that it is a defect in the glass and so company should replace. I kept trying him in vain and after several attempts 3-4 weeks ultimately, his employee (Mr.Jaswant) gave me the phone number of Mr. Hani( [protected]) and told me that Mr. Hani is Marketing Manager and he has already spoken to him. If I follow up the matter with him, it will be done quickly.. (Later on I learnt that Mr. Hani is your distributor)..
When I contacted Mr Hani, I learnt that he had no information about the case. He however, agreed to take up the matter. After 2 weeks, he assured me that he will get it done but also asked me to speak to Mr. Ashish Saxena (head Marketing-North India) Cell Phone: [protected] to expedite the matter.
I spoke to Mr.Saxena at least 5-6 times since mid July, 2009. Though he assured me that he will get the issue examined, but his enquiry has been no more than speaking to Mr. Hani, who in turn spoke to MR. Aggarwal. In the beginning, both Mr. Hani and Mr. Saxena told me that they will get the mirrors replaced but in reality it was nothing more than false assurances.
I am wondering, if it is the usual way of handling customer complaints at Gujarat Guardian.. If it is so, then it is certainly a surprise to me and makes me feel very bitter about your organization.
I hope you will spare some time to look into the issue.
Thank you,
Ravinder kumar
G-63 Ashok Vihar I
New Delhi 11052
C.C: Mr. Ashish Saxena,
Head Marketing –North India
Gujarat Guardian ltd.
4-7C DDA Shopping Centre,
New Friends Colony,
New Delhi 110065
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