SeventySevenMM — Poor service and customer care

Address: Mumbai Suburban, Maharashtra


I write this complaint with an immense frustration after emailing and calling SeventyMM on numerous occasions. I signed up with their service in June this year (three month subscription of Rs 1000). The offer seemed attractive and I immediately went for it! Thereafter I have nothing good to say about this highly unprofessional service.
Here are my complaints:
1. The person who registered me got my email address wrong even after I spelled it thrice for her. She spelled my name as christins.moniz. To get that rectified, it took me 4 days. That means I couldn't use my account and rent movies for the first 4 days.
2. The movies I rented thereafter were delivered to me 2-3 days after I asked for them.
3. 2 of the movies I rented (Hot Fuzz and Michael Clayton) were of bad quality. They were scratched and didn't play smoothly.
4. Almost all the movies I want to rent are unavailable. The movies that are available are the older, boring ones which I wouldn't be interested in renting.
5. Here is my BIGGEST complaint. I called their customer service and emailed them at least 3 times to complain about their pathetic service and to cancel my subscription. They didn't cancel it and they haven't refunded any of the money I spent! I am so angry and disappointed.
The last time I called and asked for the supervisor they gave me a number to call which I found was switched off - [protected]

It's been over 2 weeks since I've asked them to cancel my subscription and I haven't had a supervisor call me or address the problem. I also haven't got a refund.

I have put this complaint on record for two reasons: to let people know that this company is unprofessional and that they cheat customers, and to let SeventyMM know just how poor their customer care is. They probably dont even know a thing about customer care!

Below are the emails I've sent them since I signed up. That will give you an idea of how much torture SeventyMM puts their customers through! This is my first complaint against a company ever. No other service provider has given me as much grief as these fools.

date Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 12:39 AM
subject Complaint!!!


It has been over a week that I have signed up with Seventy mm and I still haven't been able to rent a SINGLE movie. I called your customer helpline to tell them that my email address was wrong because of which I cannot sign into your website. They assured me that it would be updated within 24 hours. Still hasn't happened yet - it has been 4 days since I made that call and I haven't heard from you yet.
I sent an sms saying that I wasn't happy with your customer support after which I got a reply that someone would contact me. Nobody has called! I am still not able to log into my account. And I cannot rent a SINGLE movie! What kind of freak show are you running?

My complaint is mainly against the person who sold me the membership to Seventymm. I gave her my email address twice and she didn't even get it right! How stupid can your customer service be???!! She should really get pulled up for the kind of rubbish work she has done!
Secondly, there is no follow up after someone has called to complain or after they have provided feedback about your poor service.

I am very, very unhappy and I HATE following up with people about trivial things like this. Request you to resolve my problem by Monday (June 13) or else just give me my Rs999 back. I'd rather not have anything to do with your company.

Email 2:
to [protected]
date Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:33 PM
subject Where's my movie?!

Jul 6


It's been 2 days since I requested Michael Clayton be delivered at my home. I still haven't received the movie. Any idea when I will get it?
Everytime I get the movie late. The last time too (when I ordered Carry On Doctor) I received the movie after 2 days. I am really unhappy with your service. This is my 2nd complaint in a month already.
I really don't think I should be following up on little things, you guys! Get your act together!


Email 3
"" <[protected]>
date Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 4:01 PM
subject Delay Delivery

hide details Jul 9

Dear.christina moniz,

Subject:Delay Delivery Member id:*******

In reference to your mail, I understand that the movie "Michael Clayton" ordered on "July 4" has been delivered on "7 july" . I regret for the delay caused. I will check with my warehouse team on the reason for delay in shipment delivery and will be compensated if the mistake has happened from our end.

Thanks and Regards,
Seventymm e-mail support
Customer care[protected]

to "" <[protected]>
date Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 11:23 AM
subject Re: Delay Delivery

hide details Jul 11

Thanks for your response Mani. I would actually like to cancel my subscription to Seventymm altogether. I am unhappy with your service, the delays in the delivery of movies and also the poor quality of the discs. The previous film I ordered (Hot Fuzz) was also not of good quality. Plus, there is no intimation about the delay in sending the movies and why there is a delay.
You guys kill the joy in renting movies. I am very disappointed.

Email 4
Dear.christina moniz

Subject: Delivery issue Member id:******

In reference to your mail, it is sad to receive your account termination request since you are upset. I would request you to give us this opportunity to rectify the service issues and provide you a hassle free service henceforth. Also request your periodic feedbacks/suggestions to make our service more effective and customer friendly.

Thanks and Regards,
Seventymm e-mail support
Customer care[protected]

Email 5
"" <[protected]>
date Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 1:24 PM
subject Re: Delivery issue Member id*****

Hi Asha,

Thanks, but I have pretty much lost patience with SeventyMM now. Could you please cancel my subscription, and give me a refund? I would appreciate that.

Many thanks,

Email 6
"" <[protected]>
date Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 8:25 PM
subject Re: Delivery issue Member id:******

hide details Jul 18 (7 days ago)


I'd like to know why you haven't yet cancelled by subscription. I am really annoyed that I have to keep following up with you.
I called your customer helpline at 6.30 pm today and nobody took my call.
Kindly cancel my subscription right away, give me my refund and collect the movie that's been in my house for over a week now.

Christina Moniz
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