We had purchased a Ventair Water Purifier and a Ventair Chimney through your authorized dealer Krishna Associates in Salt Lake City, Kolkata. Kindly note that we had purchased the same on 17th January 2010, and had made the respective payments by cheque. Mr Pulak Ghosh had promised us that this sale was a combo offer wherein we would get a free gift - a Ventair gas cooker.
Kindly note that we have till date not received the guarantee card for the water purifier,the user manual, neither the free gift. Moreover we have got to know that the water purifier is of TDS 20, whereas the international recommended TDS levels for all water purifiers is within 60 -100. Your people are telling us that they can fix the same incase we purchase some "iron remover" which would again cost us Rs 400.
We have been repeatedly contacting your offices, and have also spoken to Mr Jhawar, who has been promising to solve our problems but to no avail. We need the problem to be solved immediately, or have a refund on our purchases while we return your products back to you. Was this information helpful? |
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