I have used yebhi.com to order an item which was delivered on 14th August 2013. Since the item did not my expectation, I decided to use the "30 days return policy" and created return order dated 4th September 2013 with details
Return Order No
: CRO221074
Return Order Date
: 9/4/2013 8:32:02 AM
Instead of arranging reverse pickup, as per the policy I received a regret email that the order could not be arranged, and I should place another order !
I again placed an order with details as per their suggestion as
Return Order No
: CRO222205
Return Order Date
: 9/8/2013 7:16:51 AM
The same regret mail repeated without me getting any call from the logistics partners. So I was made to create another return order
Order Item
Return Order No
: CRO223915
Return Order Date
: 9/13/2013 9:01:28 PM
This was also not honoured, and I got same type of regret letter dated 19th Sep 2013.
When I raised a support ticket YBCSA140949. on 19th Sep since I was not able to create return order as per their suggestion in the regret letter, This was the response I obtained
Dear Customer,
Thank you for writing to Yebhi.
This is with reference to your e-mail dated 19th September, 2013 regarding the order number ADR4163814.
We would like to inform you that as per our company we have 30 days return policy. As per our records, the mentioned order was delivered to you on 14th August, 2013. Hence, we regret to inform you that we would not be able to accept the order back to us.
We regret for any inconvenience caused to you.
For further assistance, kindly refer to http://www.yebhi.com/CustomerService.aspx
Best Regards,
Menakha R
Customer Service Specialist
None of the support tickets which were raised were answered, other than the automated response emails !
This is highly unethical from the part of an online shopping service not to honour their policies, and make the customer suffer. I was ready with the shipment always after creating the return order, but did not even receive one courtesy call
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