I Bought 20800 MAH Powerbank from eBazar Ninja website.It is duplicate, It is not charging.I tried to raise refund request in that website but that website is not working now .i attached the invoice of my product.Kindly, check with that and refund my amount

श्रीमान जी मैने एल ई डी बल्ब ऑन लाईन किया था जो
LED Bulb - 9 Watt-Bulk
Color: Silver
Quantity: 50
Shipping By: EBAZAAR
Oder No. EBAZAAR/2018-19/173275
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2018
जो आदिनांक[protected] तक प्राप्त नही हुई हैा क़पया इसे या तो भेजे अन्यथा इसे रद करके वापिस पैसे भेजे
LED Bulb - 9 Watt-Bulk
Color: Silver
Quantity: 50
Shipping By: EBAZAAR
Oder No. EBAZAAR/2018-19/173275
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2018
जो आदिनांक[protected] तक प्राप्त नही हुई हैा क़पया इसे या तो भेजे अन्यथा इसे रद करके वापिस पैसे भेजे
Order no :29589
It is not a product that I have order and its all quality less product so I would like to return your product refund my money
Delivery :2-nov-2018
Time :3:30pm
It is not a product that I have order and its all quality less product so I would like to return your product refund my money
Delivery :2-nov-2018
Time :3:30pm
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