Address: Latur, Maharashtra |
Website: Exa technology |
This company is providing me 15000 captacha entry work with agreement and
Ask me for my photo, adhar card, and made agreemtn with me. Now he ask me for pay 11500/- i think they are fake company their advocate call me for legal action please take action as soon as possible and send me mail
This is to inform you that we have received your file from our client (Exa technology) for legal procedure in our advocate associate firm.
You have violated the agreement clauses and our client want to proceed further, under indian contract act 1872.
We are sending you the soft copy notice in your email and hereby you are informed to reply back to us within 7 days.
This intimation letter informs you that exa technology has send your file for legal action as per mention on the agreement that if you have not succeeded on your job or not completed then you have to pay the penalty amount.
So as you are not full fill the agreement rule, so that the company has take the help of legal proceeds for his compensation. So pay the amount as soon as possible to close your file, if the case being filed against you then you have in big loss of money for the legal procedure.
Thank you..
Advocate associates
Legal department
Mr. Rupesh sharma
A/c holder :- exa technology
A/c number :- [protected]
Ifsc code :- idib000n146
Bank name :- indian bank
Note :- if you pay the amount today before 01:00 pm and send me the payment proof. We will provide you noc (No objection certificate) then your case will be close.
Otherwise your case will be register in court. And do the reply with your advocate as court notified time.
These are the details they have sent me to pay to them. Please look into it.
Fraud people.
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