I parent of Syed Faizan(21ATP02157), Syed Osman(21ATP02158), Syeda Tahera Zainab(21ATP02159) studying in GMS-Attapur, Want to bring to ur notice that Still when I m asking about the responsible teacher list facing problem.I already discussed the weaker areas of my childrens in month of Nov but Still they r not working on the weaker areas of my children.Re-opened schools late, didn't provide the classes as per the schedule, now also running half-days, because of this facing transport Problem. Now, Cycle test -4 is going to happens.When they r going to give revision for this tests... Still half-days then what r the measures they r taking for loss of academics happened because of late reopening of School...???
-For class 1 EVS Pattern of notes r not followed.
-For Class 4, Maths teachers(Mrs.Akhila) is unable to clear the doubts of my childrens.
-For Class 4, English teacher(Mrs.Lalitha) not explaining the grammer...
-For class 4, Telugu notes I didn't received till now.
In G.K, Computer, and Life Skills not even a single exam is conducted till now.So, why they included these subjects during online Classes.Now Offline Classes r going on When they r going to conduct exams...what is the responsibility of a teacher in these subjects.For whole book when they r going to teach it and when they r going to give revisions for it.
When I as a Parent raising a questions and asking about the responsibilities of a teachers in My Childrens academics they r trying to ignore it...
Here, totally burden lies on Parents.How much a parent is teaching their Childrens, that only a Child is Performing.I want to know what r the inputs of a teachers.My Childrens attended all classes regularly whether its online or Offline.So why their weaker areas r not worked out till now...
During term- 1, all my childrens came in Toppers list.So, now what's the reason that still their weaker areas r same which r during online Classes.
As a Parent, When I m ready to co-operate with the teachers during offline Classes then why my childrens weaker areas r not worked out?
Now also at the end of academic Year, Nobody wants to take the responsibility...
I[censored] can't teach my children's and take responsibility of there weaker areas then give me the materials.(Question paper Pattern and the Worksheets)as u send in term-1. I will Prepare my Kids and make them write the Exams...U can see it by urself, How much they can perform and What r their abilities.
I already wrote three mails to the chairman sir but still facing problems...
Kindly, arrange my meeting with the Chairman sir and the Dean madam so, that I can discuss all my queries and I can know how I can proceed with my childrens academics:
Contact at: [protected]@gmail.com.
Phone no:Mentioned in all my mails...
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