Infonex — fraud me and threatening in court case.

I applied for this captcha work in And i got a whatsapp message from infonex company. They asked me to download mac2cap 'app' captcha work. About a part time job which involved entering 10000 captcha within 10days in which 90% has to be correct. So when i accepted the job, they had sent me two links, to download that and in that one 'app' name is "agreement software" and another 'app' name is "mac2cap". And they asked me to upload my photo, signature and adhaar card. If i complete that work they will pay 30000rs to me. While i doing the captcha work there was no difference between small letter (L) and big letter (I) so i got somany mistakes. And that app is not working that not showing how much captcha i have completed. Its not working properly. I sending message in whatsapp to agent to complaint he is not replying. So i have incompleted that captcha work. Then i got call from advocate to pay 9400rs to company. If i not pay 9400rs to company they send me legal notice from court to me. And he said me to go to court and pay 80000rs in court. And i checked for the company and got know the company is a fraud. So please help me. I am requesting you to solve my problem as soon as posible.
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Don't get panic pasha, they can't do anything legally with that fake agreements and they will threaten you with fake notice( and says it will be arriving in 3 days to your home). And also read FAQ number 8 clearly on this site. Consumer complaints won't call it's users at all i repeat consumer complaints won't call it's users at all.

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