[Resolved]  Kolotibablo — bad captcha showing

MY name is Shanmugham, my E mail is [protected]@gmail.com Cell No. [protected] I was started my Home work - Captcha entry on behalf of Kolotibablo company on 14.7.15 - 456 words - 15.7.15 - 06 16.7.[protected].7.15 - 1547 words - completed - 2369 words My payment is 0.884 dollars and 031 extra - In three times To-day TOP workers shows[protected] 1547 - 0.[protected].5780 - at about 9.00 ISD time I was seen that a lot bad Captcha entries shown it was surprised since more 8 hours i was worked and only one mistakes was done it was shown upto 1547 works i.e. -Original - qu8ehsd - I did as qn8eshde - I accept that. Suddenly I was seen when I was completed the work 1643 words - A lot mistakes as shown as bad captcha. This following as shown as bad words - 1. voo6 - PWkswpm 2. vhhs[protected]. 78619 - dreerin -4.s9k8uzn - 8071 5. 78619 - dreenin - 6. sqk8uzn - 8071 7.; 89n8em - syxdy2p 8. 5357230 - shdaxv - 9. entesse[protected].2464 - UI62kivc - 11. untallhy - bGavlk - 12. zku7s4 -JDNZZ - 13. huha - 3nenmx - 14. sun4v - plfgei rticurat 15. tedra - z57o11 - 16. z[protected]Ussesov - 17. 1864009 - noashmic I was completed with a total of 2369 words and 0.884 dollars with 0.31 extra. How it happen till to-day I was worked and completed more than 3.50 Lakhs of words completed in Kolotibablo I got payment also without any problem. The same problem I was faced so time and so many times complied but no action has been taken by the company till date. It mistakes do the company take action and Account banned. No doubt but, the mistakes not done me it was shown mistakes and these kind of mistakes who will do it, since so many experience done by me. How it is happening and my Account banned How? my ID is sshanmuam23 - After completing 2369 words my Account banned? How? who is the fault at this stage whether like our pupil continue to work or where the compliant should be made, For more 7 to 8 hours sitting doing the confident work, simply bad captcha was shown and my ID was suspended why? and where shall I will ask? Kindly tell my the solution and my ID to be released for continue my work. Kindly do the need full, The new captcha work is good but these kind thinks happen is not correct.; Kindly do the need full at once.
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I was given all the details about me what else your company is required kindly tell me through my E mail which was already given me Till date no reply has been given to me and no E mail was sent to me . The bad captcha not done me it was shown as done by me How? More 10 to 12 hours struggle to do the work, simply the mistakes not done showing as done my How. I was completed more 3.5 Lakhs of words completed in Kolotibablo in my carrier, so many times i was complied about bad captacha was shown and account suspended and payment held up no action was taken by the company then how to continue the work with the company. The mistakes shown as done by me is not done me. I am so experienced man I will not commit these kind of mistakes, kindly release my account to continue to work with the company please


I have made withodwal but not received it says unknown error

my id's is banned

my id banned please unbanned solve my problems 1.5$ is overed my id's btechbrig1 btechbrig4 shrinu54 shrinu55

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