Address: | From N-118 A narayan nagar to pusta road, which obstruct Mohala Clinic also |
This is to draw your kind attention towards the encroachment in Laxmi nagar (especially nearby Narayan nagar road connect narayan nagar towards pusta road)area. Lots o[censored]nattended vehicles are parked from long while moreover some unauthorised car workshop is going to establish with Painting jobs which creates lot of Noise and AIR POLLUTION. This all creates hell lot of problems for the residents of our area. Parking problem and Bad road condition is the main.
(Infact Current road condition is worst due to illegal parking in our area)
Please take action in this regard. Also find the below the houses with the encroached area
Encroached Area
House Number (From N-118 A Narayan nagar to pusta road, which obstruct Mohalla Clinic also)
(Narayan Nagar N-137 to delhi jal board office)
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