U received any revert please confirm
Any updates regarding the above complaint did u receive any update or confirmation
Did you receive the shoe if yes what about its quality
Sneakerscop is a fraud company. First they trick the consumers into buying branded sneakers at cheapest price and when they ordered there's no service, no response, nothing, there money was just gone.
Those who all were scammed by these people file an FIR in Cyber Cell without any further delay. I think there were many people who are victim of them and they all got tricked between May-April and that's the period of time when the company were active. So take a legal action before they got away with it. It's the only solution for you.
Those who all were scammed by these people file an FIR in Cyber Cell without any further delay. I think there were many people who are victim of them and they all got tricked between May-April and that's the period of time when the company were active. So take a legal action before they got away with it. It's the only solution for you.
Contact Information
22, A, A-1, Shah & Nahar Indl Est, S J Mg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 13
File a Complaint