State Bank Of India [SBI] — I am complaining against not activation of Internet banking
Anees Kayakkodi
from Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600020
Anees vp
Acc no.[protected]
Dear sir
I have salary account in valluvarkottam sbi branch. I have received packed kit with net banking user id and password. While i am trying to log in, system shows log in id or password is invalid. I have given the complaint 5-6 times to branch includes one written compaint and also made a complaint through customer care. Branch staff says there is some technical issue to activate my account but it will get solved after 24 hours. But after many 24 hours has gone my problem not get solved. I am requesting to take necessary action to activate my account
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State Bank of India [SBI] customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
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