Address: | Pune, Maharashtra |
The website is selling 1st copies of the original designer bags under the pretext of selling the original for a lower cost as they have been used in shoots.
I payed INR 37, 214.55/- for a Hermes Bag online on 28th June and received the bag on 21st July, even though I was promised that it will be sent before 10th July 2015. The moment it arrived, I saw and knew it was a very obvious fake. After denying initially, they admitted that the material was not original but have since then stopped responding to my calls/whatsapp messages- They have blocked my calls and do not respond to my emails.
I am stuck with a fake bag sold to me which is not worth INR 500. Kindly refund the amount spent. As told earlier, had the company shared the complete information about the quality, i would have not purchased in the first place. Proof attached with this complaint. Was this information helpful? |