Since 20th may till yesterday morning there was no service. Yesterday at 2 pm the wifi has just started working and i have got the message that my service is expired and have to recharge. My recharge amount is rs.590.00 that means rs.20 / per day. So it becomes rs.160.00 for 8 days but there was no relux from wishnet and the phone number of customer care is not working. I don't know what to do? My profession totally disturbed during this lockdown period as i can't continue my work from home. If recharge is mandatory then how to recharge as local service provider not available by phone.
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Jul 25, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved
Wish Net customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
May 30, 2020
Updated by ameet1968 Connection has been taken in the name of [removed[ and this connection is 4 year old. So myself a very old and regular customer though this company do not have any responsibility to take care for their regular customer .
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