I had got reference from Locanto website for personal Services and asked me to pay 1500 for booking amount. I was asked to pay 500 for booking amount and then was sent location. Once I reached location I was asked to pay balance 1000 and once it was paid they asked me to pay security deposit of 6500 for safety. I didn't agree to pay it and then asked to give aadhar card of person. He provided me with aadhar card and then I paid 6500. Once I paid it he said it was to be paid for both so again I asked to pay 6500. Once I paid they said me that since u haven't done in single transaction it is not reflecting on system. So request to pay 13000 in single transaction and I refused to pay it since it seemed fraud. I said to give refund of 13000 and then will pay only if i receive it. They said it would be refunded within 24 hours and I still haven't received the refund
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