bp gas — late delivery

Address:Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

I want to draw your kind attention on my problem of distributor not giving refilled cylender at proper time because he blacked eight or ten cylinder everyday.Today[protected] he take out from godam only 32 cylinder in his van and there customer line in 45 candidate. 25 candidate went off without taking gas because he tell his i have got just 32 cylinder. but he distributed only 20 or 23 cylender only on that cylinders. Everyday he going for black and his customer is going pending. I have booked date on[protected] and he tell him to take out in[protected], but after four days distributer tell me he has no Gas cylinder. He is doing for black. I have told him why you do the black the cylinder then he tell me you capture him. But Iam not got any cylinder on[protected].This procedure of distribution of Gas Cylinder in village is very low. Please provide the right solution of this problem. This is the problem of every month. Given below my personal detail as customer:
NAME: Ravi Kumar
CUSTOMER NO. :- 60074
BOOKING DATE:[protected]
delivery date:[protected]
I believe that you will surely do something for me & solve this problem.
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    Uttar Pradesh
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