[Resolved]  Institute of Vedic Astrology, Indore — Fraud Organisation

Institute of vedic astrology, IVA, Indore is a fraud organisation run by Ashish Patidar.
He claims he is MBA etc etc but i think he is a looter.

The modus operandum is too publish a AD in newspaper about institute and various distance education courses.

The course fees range from 5000rupees to 8000rupees. The course include vedic astrology, vedic vastu, fengshui, tarot, dowsing, face reading etc.

Once the student decides to do a particular course he/she is asked to pay the fees and every month a book arrives and within 6 months the student gives a exam thru distance learning from home and the certificate arrives all the students are allotted A+.

Once the course is over the owner Mr. Patidar approaches the student to attend a seminar organised by him the seminar is total hogwash of 3 days in which he teaches astrology or vastu in short, no questions are answered since he is incapable to answer any.

His notes are all since they are all crap any person studying them would not understand or decipher anything.

He tells all his students to start practising professionally once they have done the course..he is a complete fraud and cheats people throughly.

Be very aware of him and dont entertain any phone calls from him or meet him.

He may keep repeating Jai Ram, Jai Ram...but this only for snatching money...

Be careful of all this bloody cheating organisation...u can never learn astrology thru distance education or by seminar...

He also reads horoscope for a hefty fee of 3000rupees but he is not fit to read it...he should be in prison.

contact me for further details about this fraud.
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 
customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.


I live in Spain and I was very surprised with the way everything is presented. I almost fell into this trap.

First of all. it says it has a ISO-9001 for 2010 (which only big companies can get, like General Motors). Then I research the number of this ISO-9001, which appears on the web page as Certificate No. RQ91/2887 ICS. I Google it and it also appears in the lower part of this web page: http://www.indianvastuacademy.org/certificate.html

A huge mistake appears because it says ISO[protected] and in this page appears for the year 2000 http://www.ivaindia.com/iso-certificate.php

I must say that I have worked for huge companies teaching English and I have never heard this kind of certificates for a simple academy. It says that the institute is perhaps the only one in the world with that certification.

There are no pictures of the classrooms. They only show classrooms in Norway or something like that.

he talks about his experts. I counted 30. How can you pay 30 people for courses that are taught in materials sent? He talks about a woman as a World Famous Palmist Veena Kejriwal and I couldn't find anything about her on Google.

The webpage talks about online courses but when they send you a brochure it says on correspondence or mail. nothing on email?

Thanks to this page I must say I am not convinced. I will look for something else. I bought the books on Cheiro, number 1 palm reader in the world who learned from an indian Guru who told him that the originals book were distroyed when Mongolia invaded India long time ago.

So, be very careful.

Oh!, thanks for sharing this in this forum.
I have learnt 3 courses from Institute of Vedic Astrology namely Astrology, Vastu and Gems & Crystal Therapy and have been practicing the same in Delhi since 2005. It's is completely wrong to say that the institute is fraud. The course fee is also about 9000 which I paid in easy 4 month installments. I had learnt it thouroughly. Also, there were several doubts that I generated and had received answers to them.

It is very bad to defame such institutes who take the initiative to train such professional courses.
I totally disagree with Mr. Prakash and think that there is some misconception he has in mind.
read your comments. do not agree to it. thanks for giving me a chance to introspect. In my 12 yer career I have tried to give the best of what i can, still there are one such person in thousands who thinks negatively.

I know who you are and I forgive you for all you wrote which is not at all right. No hard feelings. God Bless.

Jai Shri Ram!!

Ashish Patidar
Institute of vedic astrology

No my dear friend you are absolutely wrong I have done PG Diploma in Astrology in Institute of vedic astrology and I am earning well through help of this course if you have any doubt you can contact me my personal Cell No. [protected].
all those who are practising astrology after learning it from distance learning are themself the biggest criminals of society.

astrology should be learned under a siddha guru of astrology and its a long process. just like learning MBBS or Engineering.

learning a major and vast subjects which takes years of penance and proper guidance in 2-3 days seminar and then experimenting it on gullible and innocent people is the biggest sin and no God can forgive such people who promote such corruption in society.

getting 2-3 bogus students and making them submit online that they have benefitted is all rubbish
Mr. Ashish Patidar you keeping declaring to your students that you are a MBA.

Mr. Patidar your birthdate is[protected] as per this date you are 33 years old in year 2009 am i right. Here in this forum you have claimed you are practising astrology from last 12 years right.

As per my calculations if you have done MBA then 12 years back you were 21 years old and you claim you are practising astrology from age 21 so when did you do MBA??? Because at age 20 person completes graduation and after that MBA is 2-3 years course...

So are you claiming you did MBA and astrology simultaneously???

From whom did you learn astrology???? Did you learn from some second hand roadside books and after learning a bit you started your own organisation of fooling gullible people.

Why should any student purchase your books for 4000rupees instead they can buy any secondhand roadside book for Rs.50 and learn astrology or vastu from it. After all you have just reprinted such books with your institutes names. Your institute notes are all nonsense.

I have learnt vastu from your institute and also attended your seminar total cost 10, 000rupees and after spending so much i have not got a single consultation for vastu every second person i meet ask me from which institute i studied, what was the course tenure, whom did i practice under...i am ashamed of myself that i was so foolish to fall in your trap and waste so much money.

There are people here who teach vastu for 6 months and after 6 months teaching the teacher takes the student to a site visit and personally after the site vastu is done the examination of student is taken and only if the teacher feels the student is good enough he/she is given a certificate.

Mr. Patidar the person shailendar who as written above on your behalf and whose mobile number is given is your assistant and not student.

Mr. Patidar do not claim to be God and Gods bhakt whatever questions i have put up on this forum if you are really believer of God and God fearing then reply to them sincerely. Because truth is bitter. But ultimately Truth Prevails. Satyameva Jayate.

If you really want to use your knowledge then use it for consultation but do not use it in teaching such 2-3 days course of subjects which takes atleast 10 years to master. Teach subjects in proper manner and give service worth the money.

Always remember someone higher is always watching us you can fool people but not higher power.
dear friends, i completely agree to mr. namaste( as shown in site). we should be cautious of such fraud institution. and give our support to persons who blow the whistle for such institution. problem of ours is that we blindly believe our dharma and people take undue adantage of that. such persons should be penalised. if at all any student of mr.Ashish Patidar favours him, he should post his phone and address to people of india, so that verification can be done.in my opinion both reply by
mr. Ashish Patidar and mr. shailendra was posted on same date, probs on same time. this confirms the fraud . . astrology or any other discipline needs proper studies from books as well as proper guidence from a learned guru. But one thing we should keep in mind that no all learned person get job. some thing determines his future. rest all in next reply.
dhiraj prasad palam delhi
Mr. Dhiraj,

I have totally lost faith in all this spiritual gurus, spiritual teachers, spiritual helpers they all are commercial. I agree that money is necessary for survival but you cant keep telling lies, feed rubbish to person and extract money in name of spiritual teaching.

Astrology is a divine art which Rishi's have written for guidance of others but such frauds make it a business and they dig a hole in pockets of innocent people.

More than that they give the false notion to society that anyone and everyone can learn astrology and practice it professionally after attending a 3 days seminar.

People are loosing faith in astrology bcos of such fraud institution...

shame on them
I totally agree to what all is posted here, though i do not say that i am a expert in the field of vastu and jyotisha but what i can say is that i had seen the vastu notes that are given by IVA and they are taken from multiple books and are not actual vedic teachings. Coming to the gyaan of jyotisha which took more than 100's of years to be penned down you cannot learn this in one life time. It has been said by sage Parasara that it requires life after life to master this science.
My request would be to please check the background before spending the money.
May GOD bless everyone with the right prospective.
mr rohit,

well said
i totally agree with you
Disagree, with all the comments given by various students as well as director of the institute. One cannot blame the institute from where he done any course. It is his/her fault if he join any institute without varifying its credentials. Rs. 10, 000/- is not a big amount for an distance education. If a student have caliber to understand from the NEW as well as ROAD SIDE SECONDHAND books, what is the need of getting knowledge from an institute. Was it just to take an DIPLOMA to show his/her clients to get the money from their pocket with their predictions with proof of having knowledge of astrology.

Astrology can be learned in home by reading various available books, but if you want to get consultations also you have to pay for it. A six month course with course fee of Rs. 10000/- (as presumed from above remarks) with material is nothing just Rs. 1800/- per month. What do you expect from it my dear.

Don't criticise any one. Try to understand the principles of Astrology whether from books or from any person and if you cann't have brain to retain this knowledge leave this profession and do any thing else.

Further all the university students does not pass the university examination. But the failed students cann't have right to comment on the faculty or the reputation o[censored]niversity. Yes a topper or successful student may give his view on the faculty and university.

Have patience, think both of you about your conducts (student as well as director) and see who is at fault.

Dear friends,
Beware of Mr.Ashish Patidar & his IVAINDIA. As he have done MBA he plays a excellent mind games. Be alert from him especially all expert astrologers and vastu consultant. On the basis of excellent marketing & showing his institute as if very old and dont exposing his name at first many expert astrologers came into in his trap. After completing the course when he arranges seminar and finds someone talented he do a phone call thru his assistant and they tell that Sir u r selected in our PANEL OF EXPERTS.(He plays all his games thru his assistant only. By this way he creates his own importance.Marketing mind!) After selecting that astrologer on his expert panel he demands all his secrets of knowledge. For it he may give some nominal amnt for it. But after that by using all that knowledge in his seminars and notes he earns lacks of rupees.After that he use that expert astrologer as if servant of IVA of that city and tells them to help in arranging seminars and in that he will give them some useless certificates in front of all which will do marketing of his own institute. Its called JOOTHA BADAPPAN.
He dont have enough knowledge of VASTU also. He is still in learning process. He taught many wrong things in his seminar which we realized after deep study. One example is that he says UTSANG entry is excellent of all which is totally wrong because of it there is possibility of premature death in that family. I dont want to increase his knowledge by discussing the remaining points. By this he shown himself that he is not even a good consultant also. This all is just a business for him. As he not answered any of above questions that proves that he have done a single course of this field anywhere.
Also in his backside of admission form one sentence in point no.7 says that Syllabus of course is subject to change without any prior notice. What this sentence indicates. Think about it.
I think he just hangs the person by giving some part of knowledge and after that by doing unlimited SMS and marketing phone calls he calls them on his costly seminars and earns lacks of rupees per month. What an idea sirjee!
whatever a person sows, so shall he reap
God is watching everything Mr. Santosh dont worry
Mr. Ashish Patidar will get back all his bad karma we need not worry
Exhorting money from tensed and stressed people and giving them wrong information
is very bad karma
and wrong knowledge of astrology can ruin so many lifes this person will not
get place in hell also
he is a total fake and conman just beware of him
and whatever one sends out will come back to him 10 folds
Thank you so much for sharing your doubts with public on this forum, Namaste! It just helped me not to give my number to this greedy man! It is clear to me he is a fraud, and I dont agree with one of commenters who said that 10000 rupees is nothing much for 6 month distance learning course. Please do your research, nks.chd! A reputed university is charging 10000 rupees per full year (2 terms) with genuine (not plagiarized!) books and giving at least 10-12 assignments corrected by experts each term and finishing each term with exams where not every student gets A+
So 10000 rupees per few plagiarized compilations of printed materials and a fake exam - it is a lot of money, believe me!
What beats me the most is that IVA is still in bussiness. Now it is 2011 and still he is publishing his ads in reputed magazines. What a shame!

bhavishyafal — froad

I read add in news paper patrika phone par future janiye ph.no.[protected] icontact this no. he told me first you recharge my mobile with rs.500 then i recharge his ph. with rs.500 then i contact above mobile no. mujhe future batane ke bajay gali gaioch ki gayi pl. take action above mobile no. immediately because he is froad
Hai all readers and namstae india and mr.Ashish patidar

I am H.S.Sridhar, I have done numorology course in this institute
I did the course just out of curiosity and have learnt something
from the study materials, I never tried practising because of time
management and i feel i should learn more.Sorry to hear from namstae
about mr.ashish patidar i dont know what to comment because frankly
speaking i learnt something from the course, The institute is providing
such courses where one can know about the subject where very few institutes
are doing.I want to know from namstae what is your experience to comment
on mr.ashish patidar what way you have been cheated please tell every one
or else keep quite let him continue to do what he feels like no body is illiterate
and for your kind information person who has studied here may have got certificate
from the institute but only one in thousand may start practising because before practising
he should prepare himself for that he would have done his home work.

If you have been cheated in any way please let us all know in what way
and have you complained to any authorities and lodged a compliant.

Most of the people are learning in spare time and out of curiosity
people are interested hence he is printing and conducting courses
he has to manage the expenses and some profit for himself out of
this profession so whats wrong. If he is a fraud he will be caught once
in his life time and you please let me know why are you behind him
please clarify.
daniel thanks for sharing your views
i am out of words now

what his your opinion about India after coming across such cases??
Especially about learning indian ancient occult??
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