[Resolved]  M/S Lloyd Finance Ltd. — Non-refund of F.E.E. amounts

Dear Sirs,
I, alongwith y mother Mrs. Urmil Gupta, deposited the following amount in fixed deposit with M/S Lloyd Finance Ltd in 1997. To my great disappointment the company has not returned my money although it was due in November 2000.
S, No, Cert. No. Amount Deposit date Maturity date
1. [protected]/1 10, 000/- 27.11.1997 27.11.2000
You are requested to kindly help me getting my money back at an early date. The original certificate has already been deposited with the company office in delhi .
Thanking you in anticipation,
558, Sector 15A, Hissar-125001 (Haryana)
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 
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Dear Sir,
I, alongwith my father Dr. M.P.Gupta, deposited the following amounts in fixed deposits with M/S Llyod Fanance Ltd in their office in Delhi. To my great surprise and shock the company has failed torefund my money even long after the maturity of the deposits:
S.No. Cert. No. Amount Deposit date maturity date
1. [protected]/1 14, 000/- 29.11.1997 30.11.1999
2. [protected]/1 8, 000/- 24.11.1997 24.02.2002
The original certificates have already been deposited with them in their Delhi office. You are requested to kindly help me in getting my money back as per the terms and conditions of the deposit.
Thanking you,
Mrs. Aparna Agarwal/Gupta
558, Sector 15A, Hissar-125001 (Haryana)
I am agreeing with the complaint given. Resosn is that I hv also suffered from the same company. I hv also submmitted the original F.D. to the LLoyds Finance long back. The details are with me. And I also hv not recd the maturity money till date. As the details are not readily not available with me, hence I am not writing the full details, which I will do in a day or two. But I just want to say that I still awaiting the reply or refund form this cheater company.

Kindly help us to get the refund ASAP.

i have 100 share of m/s lloyd finance ltd.purchased in the year 1996 but presently i dont know the situation also i never see the prize in any newspaper and any where. plz suggest me what will i do.
I too have deposits of rs.25000/- with Lloyd Finance in 1997. I have forwarded the receipts with their Hubli branch in the year 2003. till today nothing is learnt. I learnt that the company is having their head office at Athmedabad. Fate of anything is just unknown. I am also in dark whether company law board has done anything in this case of not.

GOOD MORNING, I am I.V. SUBBA RAO, I have developed advanced new technology, it is named as iron ore pellitization. Still it is not introduced in India for small medium and major sponge iron manufacturing industries.

We are planning to set up 50 T.P.D Commercial production plant, its cost is 24 Cores, but we are not financially sound enough. We have applied for patent rights on JULY 2007, regarding this technology so many domestic and other country small scale sponge iron manufactures are contacting through mails and through phones. Lot of customers is interesting to utilize our technology, while before that they want to see the operation plant.

If I set up 50 TPD plant i.e., both ways it is like to pellet plant as well as commercial production plant. If any one help for us financial loan of Rs 24. 0 Cores (Indian currency). I will set up the plant as early as possible (6.0 to 9.0months).

After starting the commercial production we will start clearing ours loan immediately, other wise if want sponge iron material we will supply the material (just like barter system).

Through this technology small, medium and major sponge iron manufacturing industries (Karnataka, Orissa, Jharkand, Chatisgarh, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh) can use this iron ore power easily. Because of this technology sponge iron and steel manufactures can get lot of marzines / profits, the Indian Sponge Iron /DRI Economic growth turn over gone up to 50, 000 Cores per annum.

This product (fines using) is burning problem of India and aboard for sponge iron and steel manufactures. This is unique technology; I have received so many mails with in short time in India and abroad. If any one can give me an appointment I will meet you and explain all other details.

After starting the commercial production we will start clearing ours loan immediately, other wise if want sponge iron material we will supply the material (just like barter system).

But I can not show you any security like property or any other documents.

I am waiting for your early response.

Thanking you,







PIN:-533 437





New Technology of Iron Ore Pelletization for DRI / Sponge Iron

New Generation for Sponge Iron Steel Plant / Industries

I have developed & Research one new technology in Sponge Iron i.e. Iron Ore (powder) Pelletisation. This concept is developed physically and practically. After completion of this experiment we have tested this material by Joyti Spectro Analysis Pvt Limited, Hyderabad .

Presently, Iron ore pellets are being used by the small plants as well as big plants in India . It is natural material, that the raw material receiving from the iron ore mines in this material 20% to 25% of powder (i.e, 0 – 5 mm) is available. Some plants of the mining ore is being used by the ARC Furnaces. Some small plants using the same are facing some problems. By utilizing the ore powder, we can get kiln coating & ring formation also. But, for removing the same, we have to stop the Rotary kiln, once, from 60 to 90 days. Not only that, certain precautions, like separation o[censored]nburned coal, separation o[censored]nburned pallets from the Sponge Iron, material received from the kiln, before dispatch. In the present circumstances, they are using injet coal, coal lumps, coal chips, & lime stone may be used as fuel in Rotary Kiln. Still ore (i.e., 0.5mm) is not being used higher quantities.

This technology may be used in every plant, from 50 TPD plant to such a major plant’s. Without facing any problem Iron Ore may be used. By this technology we need not use injet coal / coal lumps / chips & lime stone in the raw material and also no need of separation after receiving from kiln. By this technology 20% to 25% ore of wastage powder from mines may be used, so that the cost of Fuel & production cost will be decreased.

Lakhs of tones deposits of iron ore is available in Indian iron ore mines, like Karnataka, NMDC, Madhya Pradesh and Goa . Out of which 40 - 50% is being used and out of the rest of the some is being got exported to the other countries like, China, Japan, Germany etc. By this technology 80% to 90% of ore powder (0 - 5mm) material may be used by small or major plants without any problems.

This opinion is being expressed after keen observation on this technology, since 2 years. Interested persons may contact for more details & information to the below Email address.

Email ID: [protected]@yahoo.co.in, [protected]@yahoo.com

Thanking you,

PIN:-533 437
I had doposited Rs.8000/- as FDR vide FDR No.[protected]/1 dated[protected], which was matured on[protected]. This FDR was taken at their Secunderabad office.Original FDR certificate was deposited to their office and the ack slip is lying with me.Till date nothing is heard from them. Kindly help me out to get back my money
Thank you
Dear sir,
I write to draw your kind attention that my brother suffering by blood cancer now I need alot of money
I deposite 5 fd certicate of loyds finance ltd at kolkata office on23/11/2000. the mature date was those certificte on 27/12/2000 till now I did not gey single ruppee not any corrosponding letter. please save my brothers life and try to get money Rs 50000 as early aspossible. the certificate as follows.
2., , , , 97-16688, , , , 27/12/2000, , , ,[protected]
3.KALYANDHARA 97-16686, , , , , , , , , ,[protected]
4., , 97-16682, , , ,[protected]
5.SOURAV DHARA 97-16694, , , , , , , , , ,[protected]
I made a Fixed Deposit bearing No.[protected] of Rs.10, 000/- with Lloyds Finance Ltd. dated 18/12/1996. Since my investment I had not received any interest warrents except a few cheques in the year 1997 sent by Calcutta Office of the Company. After 1997 I had not received any cheque nor the principal amount from the company.

I am also a similarly placed person like you. I want an immediate refund of my fixed deposit amount including the accrued interest.

Bhaskar Mitra
Vill. Khalore,
P.O. - Bagnan
District - Howrah
Pin-711 303

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