Gowtham Model School — Wants to bring into Chairman sir(Mr.M.Venkatanarayana sir)and dean madam notice that Principal Sir took 100% fees clearence from m

I Parent of Syed Faizan(student Id: 21ATP02157) of class 4, Syed Osman(student Id: 21ATP02158) and Syeda Tahera Zainab(name mistake in last mail)(student id: 21ATP02159) of class 1, wants to bring into Chairman sir(Mr.M.Venkatanarayana sir) and dean madam notice that, On feb 4 I write u a mail about the principal sir raising his voice when I asked about my queries.Without Solving my queries, On Feb 5, they called my husband and took all 100% fees Clearence.They r also making mistakes in fees receipts and providing different receipts for our fees payment...As my husband is in Bahrain they deceived him about my Childrens academics and took all 100% fees clearance.When as a mother I asked about their responsibilities in my childrens academics they have done this cheap act...Now, all 100% fees is cleared still my questions and issues r same.
--G.K, Computer and life skills subjects r only included during online classes.Not even a single exam is conducted till now.So, why they included these subjects during online Classes.Now Offline Classes r going on When they r going to conduct exams...What is the Question Paper Pattern, What is the syllabus and what is the responsibility of a teacher in these subjects.For whole book when they r going to teach it and when they r going to give revisions for it.
--For class 1 EVS Pattern of notes r not followed.They didn't Provide full notes.They gave only hard words and missing letters for Term 2 & Term 3.
--For class 1 they r not explaining Maths and not giving any oral reading.
--Covering most of the portion during online classes in all Subjects, during offline classes they didn't even started any new lesson in any subject or new chapter of Maths.
--For Class 4, Maths teachers(Mrs.Akhila) is unable to clear the doubts of my childrens.Term-2, 1 & 2 chapters I explained it to my kids myself.
--For Class 4, English teacher (Mrs.Lalitha) is not explaining the grammer...
--For class 4, Telugu notes I didn't received till now.
--I discussed the weaker areas of my childrens on 15 November 2021 when my kids switch to offline classes but Still they r not working on the weaker areas of my children.Still it is same...
--Re-opened schools late, didn't provide the classes as per the schedule, now also running half-days, because of this facing transport Problem. Now, Cycle test -4 is going to happen.When they r going to give revision for this tests... Still half-days then what r the measures they r taking for loss of academics happened because of late reopening of School...???
When I raised this questions in my previous mail they said that they r running full days.But didn't provide any class after 12.30 Pm, instead they made them sit till 2.50 Pm and not allowed them to sleep also...
--Here, most of the burden lies on Parents.How much a parent is teaching their Childrens, that only a Child is Performing.When I as a parent asking about their responsibilities they r troubling the kids..
--I m not at all convinced to switch from their previous school but they convinced me by making false promises...
--Now they took 100% fees and didn't even worked on my kids weaker areas till now, Shows that they r totally money minded and didn't care about students academics...
--Mentioning the weaker areas of my childrens:
Class 4: Maths- Tables Perfection..
Hindi- reading and writing..
Telugu- reading and writing..
English- grammar.

Class 1: English- grammar and
English- Phonics (took the tuition for 4000 but still its not clear).

--Mentioning the things which r not completed till now for class-1 and class-4
Class 4:Social - Map Pointing.
Maths - Term 3
Hindi - Term 3
English - Still in term 2
Telugu - notes and last lessons.
Science - lesson explanation of last lesson of term 3
Harmony blue worksheets...

Class 1: English term 3- notes and explanation.
EVS- notes
Maths- term 3 explanation of place value (Tens and Ones).

During term- 1, all my childrens came in Toppers list.So, now what's the reason that still their weaker areas r same which r during online Classes.As a Parent, When I m ready to co-operate with the teachers during offline Classes then why my childrens weaker areas r not worked out?
Now at the end of academic Year, Nobody wants to take the responsibility...that's why they played this cheap tactics and took all academic year fees.This shows that they r only concerned about the fees not the academics of childrens...
After paying the fees also they didn't even provide me the materials of Term 2 and Term 3.Notes and worksheet answers.
I even took a tuition from Ms.G.Swetha in December for Phonics Clearence and grammar but after taking 4000, She didn't even clear their phonics till now...Now, I can't go for further tuitions.So, she is ignoring my childs academics.
All 100% fees is Cleared.Now, they didn't even bothered about my kids academics and as I m raising my concerns they will trouble my childrens...
As a Mother how much I can teach, I will teach them but What about the weaker areas of my kids? What about the notes and materials of Term 2 and Term 3? What about G.K, Computer and Life Skills? What about the Portion which is still Pending?
Its a remark on "The Gowtham" image that they r just concern about the fees not about the Students academics..
Sir(Mr.M.Venkatanarayana) and the dean madam if You really Care about "The Gowtham" image then come and meet me and give assurity of my Childrens academics.As Everytime Principal sir is saying its all depends on central branch.
After taking 100% of the fees, now who is the responsible Person for My children's academics.
Kindly, meet me today or tomorrow whichever is comfortable to u...waiting for ur reply...
Contact at: [protected]@gmail.com
Phone no.: [protected]

Here I m attaching the false receipts, which they issued. This is the 3rd installment we paid but its showing as 2nd installment.U can check with the accountant all fees is cleared.
Check in Payments received till date column.Latest Payment is On 5 Feb 2022.
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Feb 10, 2022
Updated by Syed FaizanOsman
Want to meet with Chairman sir(Mr.M.Venkatanarayana sir)urgently as Dean madam too is ignoring everything..
Today I send a mail for the same...
Feb 18, 2022
Updated by Syed FaizanOsman
Want to inform Chairman Sir(Mr.M.Venkatanarayana Sir) and dean madam that Principal sir is wantedly creating Problems in my Kids academics and not allowing me to meet with concern subject teachers of Class 1 and Class 4.
Today(I.e, On 18 Feb 2022)I had send a mail and also file a Complaint regarding the same.
Want to meet with Chairman sir.So, that My Childrens will not get troubled in academics...
1 Comment


I mohd shameem one of the parent of child studying in Gowtham model school charminar branch wants to put complaint against the faculty teacher tabbasum nd Mr Mansoor as there attitude towards parents nd students are very rude to that much extent that they use bad language nd even beat students discussion within the staff regarding burden from mangment side to collect fees nd bring admissions r over burding them due which there attitude nd behaviour is bad towards parents nd childrens i request the concern authority to take necessary action it nt the children mistake if management is over burding them.

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