Imarticus learning .. I enrolled there for data science PGAA course that costed 1.5lac he told me I can do kpmg + pgaa course in 1.5 lac.
As soon as my invoice went for 10k rupees they stopped assisting me
I was the person who was calling them every day
1 mam please send me exam link
2 mam please tell my marks
3 mam please arrange my interview for what they haven't called me from 4 days and explaining me on mail that they called me 4 times for interview . Nowhere in my call history it is there that they called me 4 times
Before making transaction of 10k rupees I asked him 2 3 times is it refundable he told me yes and explained me the process that a cancelled cheque will be there.
Now they are telling me fees is not refundable .
Why I'm getting this news after my transaction .
I have not taken any class or demo class .
Over the mail they are lying like they have called me for interview 4 times but my call history says something else.
I want my refund as it was promised to me over the call .. I have phone recording too.
Later they were finding loop holes, they threaten me to take strict action against me for mentioning name. They threaten me for mailing me many times.
Their staff treated so poorly when I asked for the money . This is completely a fraud . Hiding information and taking my money and not giving back .
Their staff told me if you want to go to police station then u can go, they will do nothing.
I really cried so bad that the money I earned by my hard work and my poor financial condition was known to sales guy yet they cheated me.
This is for the jaipur branch of imarticus.
I want to charge them for manipulation and threatening and fake promises and hiding big things.
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