There are different type of scammers in stock market and proadvisors named guys are using a different style of scam from that. They have a telegram channel where they used to post their profit loss statement and screen shot of their calls very diplomatically. It is pertinent to be noted that they never post any loss screen shots because their losses are n times bigger than their profits. Their main income is the registration fees which around 15k-18k. Then profit sharing in pms is their bonus. They trade in pms very blindly without any stop loss and target. At the end of the day if the customer is lucky, they may get some profit and 35% of that profit will be taken by proadvisors named dogs. If the customer position in loss then there is chances that his maximum capital may vanished at the end of the day and naturally customer used to change the password and escaped from them. But they keep on highlighting their profit trades screen shots and being try to attract new customers. This is what proadvisors named dogs are doing in stock market. If anybody need more information you can ping me in my telegram id ratheeshpv before throwing your money to these donkeys. Thank you and keep safe your hard earned money Was this information helpful? |
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