Address: Chandigarh, Punjab |
Dear Punjabi & Others... Beware of Fraud...
Wishing to you...
A Tycoonz Co. Placed in 3-B 2 Mohli Above Indusaland Bank, , , Totaly fraud. Mt Vivek and Mrs Raman both are intimated in this racket. They make a fool for every one inside office. I visit 2 June 2015 at their office, They take my all document in shape of scan and Hard copy of my Pics. After that they commit to me for Job Offer letter with in 20 Days, I will Pay initial Amount of Rupees 5000/- for Job Approval, But When ever i make a call for his office they asked me for " We will col you after some time" but right now no Col or No positive response from their. Another Thing When i again visit to Tycoonz Office Mohali then Miss Payal and one more sir is there, both are totally talk with me some abuse language, and finally both are saying me, We can not give back your money because this is our assessment Charges, ( Many Website Make free assessment).
All Employee work inside tycoonz office are total fake by their Names... No genuine work . So Please Dont go their...
Mobile No are ... Some are Countinousely Switch Off ( Mr Vivke No one fraud[protected] Mis Raman[protected]
Note : - They Have a bouncers and all are very much invlove in criminal Record background.
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