Hello Sir/Ma'am,
To get my degree certificate (MSc) in English I had raised an online request on March 4th, 2022. Few days later I got a call from Mr. Sanjay Jaiswal to send the old degree certificate by post so that a new degree can be issued. So I had sent my old degree certificate by post 12 days before on March 11th, 2022. But I haven't received my degree certificate yet. Also the online application has been showing the same status since last 12 days.
I tried many contact numbers of the university but no one has picked the call. Also I emailed to [protected] and [protected] but didn't received any response yet.
Request you to look into the matter and issue my degree certificate as soon as possible.
To get my degree certificate (MSc) in English I had raised an online request on March 4th, 2022. Few days later I got a call from Mr. Sanjay Jaiswal to send the old degree certificate by post so that a new degree can be issued. So I had sent my old degree certificate by post 12 days before on March 11th, 2022. But I haven't received my degree certificate yet. Also the online application has been showing the same status since last 12 days.
I tried many contact numbers of the university but no one has picked the call. Also I emailed to [protected] and [protected] but didn't received any response yet.
Request you to look into the matter and issue my degree certificate as soon as possible.
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I applied on July 13 2021 for my english provisional degree certificate of my year 2019.
Application no. - VPD21031379
Transaction ID -[protected]
Payment mode - by using by debit card .
I didn't get any further information for my request. kindly check my issue and please send me degree as early as possible.