Address: 986/3,JESSORE ROAD,KOLKATA 700055 |
I am a cghs holder service man in kolkata. I had done some test for my wife's(smt.Uma moni saha) treatment on 30.08.2021 through apollo clinic, 986/3, jessore road, kolkata 700055 at my residence-194/14 s.K.Deb road chowdhury bagan kolkata 700048(home collection).Total nine test had been done and charged rs.1500/-(rupees one thousand and five hundred)only as per cghs rate. But when i am submiiting the bill, it is found that they have been charged rs.650/- out of rs.1500/-(total amount) for hbsag(code no.1424) instead charged rs.117/- as per cghs rate. So, it was charged by this clinic very cleverly.Therefore, i want to refund the balance amount rs.533/[protected]. Was this information helpful? |
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