Dear Sir/Madum
I (A.D.V.S.N.Raju) residding at C/o.H.P.Singh,Chitrakoot Nagar, Lane - 2,Bibigaunj
Bagawanpur, Muzaffarpur. Having L.P.G Connection with H.P L.P.Gas Dealer M/s.Ajay Gas Consumer No.615496. I have booked gas on 28/9/2010. as per norms gas should be deliver with 5 working days. since I had telephoned to agency on 7/10/10 & 8/10/10 they said gas will be delivered tommorrow. Here I could not under stand how many tommorrows they require to deliver.
Please take needfull action against to the said agencies.
Thanking you
yours faithfully
Consumer No.:615496 Was this information helpful? |
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