[Resolved]  Shree Enterprises — LOST MY PAN CARD

I, ABHISHEK NAMDEV PAWAR, lost my Pan CARD with number ANRPP6482D On 24/11/2008.I would like to have new/duplicate PAN Card. So, Kindly issue me a New/Duplicate PAN card as early as possibleto my present address.
67/2 Uberoi House, Eradwane,
Nalstop, Karve Road, Pune -04
E-mail :shreeenterprisesinfo.vsnl.net
Office No.[protected]
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


SHREE ENTERPRISES — Refund of Car Deposits

M/S PAL PEAGEOUT CO. has collected Rs.25,000/- being Deposits for new Car and till to-day they have not refunded. I have 60 Members 50% got order from Consumbers court to refund the Deposits eventhough company is not refunding the amount. Matter is with High Court.

Now Peagout Company has cloboration with New Indian Comany and putting Plant in GUJARAT.
Without settling dues from previous Depositors, Labours aswell as creditors and Govt. Dues. How Government is allowing to invest new venture in India.
I personall request you to help our members to get the refund.
Thanking you
Haresh Sampat

SHREE ENTERPRISES — Unlocking of account

I suhas shirol with customer no 4531294 has given application for unlock of the account on 25 th august 2015 till now no response if I ask them tomorrow but no tomorrow is coming.Don't make me go to consumer court .

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