[Resolved] Essaar Travels — Bus wont stop at the exact Boarding point & forces to board in another boarding place that too in last minute. Bus also 45 mins la
Sep 9, 2022
Address: Essaar Travels
Website: www.essaar.net/m/#/tabs/more
Bus ia not on time and its 45 mins late. So they forcing us to board in some other place. My boarding point was Lakshmi Mills, Opp to Vasan Eye Care at 10:50PM on 09/09/2022. But the bus was late and the driver called me at 11:30PM and forced me to come near Axis Bank, which was 500 metres far feom Vasan Eye Care which was the original boarding point. I was running hurry because of this. Is thia the way u do to the customers who travel regualrly? And the driver reason and behavior is ridiculous.
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Sep 11, 2022
Complaint marked as Resolved
My complaint is not even addressed and its showing as it is resolved. How could it possible?
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