Hi, I'm naseer Shaikh, I took a loan from Hinduja finance from goa for a 2 wheeler bike Activa 5g, at the end i was not able to pay my installment for the loan because of my financial condition at the times of lockdown so i settled my loan, my outstanding amount 24, 500 something and the i got a settlement of 19, 000 something, now that im am checking my civil score its not been increasing and showing the settlement issue with Hinduja Leyland finance, I sincerely request u to please resolve my issue, I contacted a guy name Prajwal Naik so as there ia no office o[censored]rs in GOA he is telling me to pay 11, 700 rupees immediately, i told him to show the amout how it's been increased and he's telling me that there are extra charges added. I then after called the coustomer care no. Of yours where a kind executive of yours told me not to do any transaction like this and asked me for my loan no. I didn't have any documents of my lian related i told her because i didn't get any so she guided me here to register my complaint
I please request you to look into my matter and resolve my issue as soon as possible
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