Address: Imarticus learning Lucknow centre | Website: Imarticus learning |
I Neha sinha took admission in investment banking program in March 2023 Lucknow batch
While taking admission Satyaprakash convienced that if the course will not be understandable he will cancel it.
They are doing fake promise of placements in jp Morgan etc but at last only 2% student gets placed in good company
They are targeting jobless students emotionally and scamming them to do course with fake promise of placements
Many more students are facing this issue
They also promised to give placement in 2 months but no one got placed
And they are continuously refusing to cancel the course and sanctioned loan
By credit fair
Due to non cancellation of course I am continuously getting harassed to repay the loan of the course which I have not done
Kindly take action against IMARTICUS learning Was this information helpful? |
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