Posting a complaint is ok. But posting photos are offensive as per community guidelines. remove those. Hope the respective person sees this and files a private FIR on you.
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A R A Center, E-2, Jhandewalan Extn., New Delhi, Delhi, India - 110055
From your statement, it is seen that the person has duplicate pan cards.
1. They are not duplicate/ Illegal. They are two different Pan cards for different period. It can be seen from the period you mentioned itself that the person has stopped using old Pan card after getting the new one. There may be chances that old card was disposed for some reasons and new card was taken. One cannot use two Pan cards simultaneously as only one Pan card can be linked to Aadhar.
2. The banks allows a person to hold multiple accounts with a specific Pan number. In this case if the person had accounts with two Pan numbers, will not be accepted by any bank, but allows a person to update Pan number.
3. Buying a land/ Apartment with Pan card at different time period doesn't include any illegal activity (As they might have used other goventment documents too for identity purpose and paid for it through bank cheques only).
4. A person can have only one Aadhar as per my knowledge with only one pan linked. By the time a Pan is linked with Aadhar, the old Pan gets deactivated automatically. So the second Pan is not considered as illegal or duplicate.
5. It is considered illegal if the person uses two different pan cards to file ITR every year (for various huge transactions being done).
Finally, Pan card is just an Investment proof and there is no illegal term associated with it.