Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited [JDVVNL] — Regarding reconnection of electricity supply in r/o K number[protected]

Address: Village- Paota, Tehsil- Ahore, District- Jalore

Respected Sir,
I would like to bring your kind notice that
I forgot to pay only last electricity bill of rupees 2336/- due to my office workload and the due date was 30th November 2021. Your officer/lineman has disconnected electricity of my house without giving any notice while my parents live in my home. They had to live in darkness in old-age. Due to disconnection of electricity, they have to migrate to nearby city where my brother lives.
Line man told me that he was obeying A.En's order.
Sir, We have paid all the bill on time since connection was set up ( Approx 50 years ago).
I, therefore, request you to do the needful.

Thanking you


Kailash Nagar
Contact number- [protected]

Address - Sh. Jeevraj Fusaji
VPO - Paota, Tehsil- Ahore,
District- Jalore
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