The above ticket number was raised and resolved by itself without providing solution towards it. The issue was that bar code printer was not working through user 2 and user 3 in the marg and no technical support was provided neither from. Marg customer support and neither the partner is able to do the same. He had also raised internal token but the same but not provided to him through support . His tocken no. M015178.
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Marg Compusoft customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Verified Support
Apr 22, 2022
Marg Compusoft Customer Care's response Dear Concern, We are very sorry for the inconvenience cause to you. As we have checked the status of your complaint .It is related to Bug & Development part for which ticket has been raised by your partner in IT. The mail was forward from our side to the IT Team. To know the status of your Ticket kindly coordinate with Partner.
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