My MobiKwik Order ID for House Rent payment transaction is: MBK[protected]. I tried to pay my house rent using my HDFC credit card ending with 5202 today for an amount of Rs. 22000 from MobiKwik. I was charged an additional convenience fee of Rs. 387.20. However, the rent payment has failed and I've been informed by MobiKwik that Rs. 22000 has been refunded to my HDFC credit card. Now I'm in a lot of trouble. Firstly, my rent payment was not done on time, and secondly the convenience fee of Rs. 387.20 that was deducted by MobiKwik is not being refunded. Since the fault was not mine, then why am I being charged the convenience fee even though my transaction has failed? Therefore, it's my kind request that MobiKwik should please refund the entire deducted amount of Rs. 22387.20 including the convenience fee to my HDFC credit card. Till now I've not received any refund amount in my HDFC credit card ending with 5202. When can I expect to receive the refund amount in my credit card? Hope to receive a positive reply from MobiKwik soon.
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