I started to work with moneymaker financial.com from january 18. Starting they just say for watch their level to every customer and it wasn't call or level of basic services. If their target done with 100 customers out of 1000 in a day than 100 customers will start the services. Now come to the point that what about left 900 customers who got loss. Its my general idea, i don't know what real is going on, it may be more or less. I started with them just paid of ₹ 5900/- only. After i started work i got little bit or profit that may be 500-700 in a day (It including some day loss or some day profit). Now trachi mam started to force me bcoz company give target to their employees also. Now you can understand my friends that when they started to achieve their target than what about us. But that time i trust on company and paid ₹23600/- for three month cash services on 15 february 18 approx date. Now i received a call from krishan kant sir and said that sir we have holy offer and you get 1 year services cash + mcx both in just 50000 plus gst. I said i have no problem but it just 10 days before i paid ₹23600/- so plz adjust that amount in this and i will be customer of your company till 1 year. Now he confirmed and said sorry sir it can't adjust and you have to pay full amount and this was going on 26 february 18. Finally i denied to take. Next trachi mam called but i denied due to not adjustable. On 28 february 18 monika mam called and said that sir it will be adjustable and i confirm from account department and you will get this three month services of cash and may onwards you will get both services of cash+ mcx for one year. I confirmed 2-3 times so she said sure sir i confirmed it and you can record our phone call also for future reference. I record all calls of that day bcoz earlier it wasn't possible and in one day it became. Now i paid ₹40120/- rupees as she said on 28 february 18. As monika mam said that you will get both services bill within a week. You can listen the recording of 28 feb 2018 onwards. But i got only one invoice which is of cash intraday only. I called monika mam and she said sir you will get definitely, may be there is some issue in system bcoz system is going to update. And sir you can start the services now onwards in mcx. No problem i m giving you concession till your both cash +mcx services not start which will be start on may onwards. I started the work on your company trust but i lost[protected] in two week, bcoz she given the call without stoploss and i have to exit in night without any call from monika mam. I got profit of maximum 4000 to 6000 but loss was huge. Now i request to moneymaker financial.com for refund my amount back bcoz of three reason — — —
1. Not given the mcx bill
2. Break the trust
3. Huge loss without stoploss.
I don't want anything like bill, sorry for inconvenience and all. Now i am suggesting to my all near and dear, not to trap in this research company bcoz they work only on your hard earning money not to profit you. If you got profit than they take more from you telling about highly paid services. So plz be aware and have any queries than call and msg me fir any confirmation regarding this company but don't pay your hard earned money to this type of cheater.
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