Noida Authority Online — Illegal Noida Authority Goon and unsolicited toe of vehicles to make money
from Delhi, Delhi
Sep 20, 2023
82A, Ground Floor, Siddharth Extn., Picket-C
My car was parked and key was inside and I was standing at the back of car, 1st thing a 12 year boy came and hinged the lock on a start car, no I idea if working under 21 years is legalized in Noida or what, when everyone stand in favor a guy name Vishal came without helmet on a bike and started shouting on a retired DSP, fyi everything is recorded. Further I have keys inside and they are so illiterate that they don't know what to talk. I need the Noida Authority to take action immediately for citizen well being. I am also missing my purse with a good cash in it. They damaged my car which the video is uploaded. Rest footage I will tweet as it is in my Dash cam because my vechile was start and all footage are intact. I will tweet and loging an FIr against them rest what Noida Authority does is their call.
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