I took admission in Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal University in BBA LLB on 12th of AUGUST and withdrew admission on 23rd of AUGUST ( 12 DAYS IN TOTAL) which makes me eligible for 80% refund of my fee which was the whole year( 6lacs). But the university only refunded 50% stating that is the university policy to refund only 50% after 15th August but in the university policy that they emailed with the offer of admission clearly states --EXCEPTIONAL HANDLING CASE-- for students taking admission after thier notified date for admission which was 31st July. Under EXCEPTIONAL HANDLING it is clearly mentioned that when the student is admitted after the last notified date of admission the benefit will be given to student and the last notified date of admission will become the individual date on which the student is admitted ( IN MY CASE 12TH OF AUGUST) . As per the policy it is written that if the notice of withdrawal of admission is served to the university in less than 15 days after the formally notified last date of admission, the student shall be entitled to recieve 80% of refund. After followups with various people from the university, we did not get the refund I'm entitled to .
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