Payme India — War against these scammers

Step-1(very important): Remove the e-mandate from your bank account using Internet banking or by calling customer care help. So they cant take any money from your account, Now they start requesting to pay the loan, because you fooled them.
step-2: Install truecaller, then settingsBlockBlock numbers not in the phone book.thats it they cant call you
step-3: Block all the whats app accounts from this app.
Step-4: Dont get scared by any messages like "indian loan association", effect credit score etc, They cannot do anything to your credit score, because they are not RBI registered to do these kind of things.
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Oct 11, 2022
Updated by pavankachala
Step-1(very important): Remove the e-mandate from your bank account using Internet banking or by calling customer care help. So they cant take any money from your account, Now they start requesting to pay the loan, because you fooled them.
step-2: Install truecaller, open settings, then "Block", then enable "Block numbers not in the phone book".thats it they can't call you
step-3: Block all the whats app accounts from this app.
Step-4: Dont get scared by any messages like "indian loan association", effect credit score etc, They cannot do anything to your credit score, because they are not RBI registered to do these kind of things.
Oct 11, 2022
Updated by pavankachala
Step-0: Uninstall Payme India app Immediately.
Step-1(very important): Remove the e-mandate from your bank account using Internet banking or by calling customer care help. So they cant take any money from your account, Now they start requesting to pay the loan, because you fooled them.
step-2: Install truecaller, then settings>Block>Block numbers not in the phone book.thats it they cant call you
step-3: Block all the whats app accounts from this app.
Step-4: Dont get scared by any messages like "indian loan association", effect credit score etc, They cannot do anything to your credit score, because they are not RBI registered to do these kind of things.
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