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This complaint is with reference to an ad with releasemyad Ad id 1649696
1. I booked advertisement (to give my flat on rent) in Divya Marathi newspaper through website on 3/11/2021 paying Rs.2940/- (Ad ID: 1649696). the ad was booked for 7 days from 5/11/2021 to 11/11/2021
2. Then on 4/11/2021 I got call from releaseMyAd customer care representative informed me that dates from 5/11/2021 to 7/11/2021 are unavailable & they will reschedule my ad from 8/11/2021 to 14/11/2021 (for 7 days) 3. Instead of publishing the ad from 8/11/2021, they published it from 9/11/2021 to 14/11/2021 (for 6 days only). I raised this query on telephone as well as through whatssapp communication. at first their call center representative lied & denied that ad was not published then after constant calling she agreed that ad was indeed not published & they will refund the 1 day amount for not publishing my ad
4. from 8/11/2021 I am constantly following up this matter with them but but I haven't received refund of Rs.588 yet. Was this information helpful? |
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