मै rkdf विश्वविद्यालय भोपाल लॉ डिपार्टमेंट का छात्र हूँ मैंने वर्ष 2022 में एलएलबी की शिक्षा आरकेडीएफ यूनिवर्सिटी से पूर्ण की है एवं अब मैं अपनी डिग्री ओ माइग्रेशन लेने हेतु...
HI am abhinav, though Iam a student of R.K.D.F but 1 thing which I want to make you all people know that the college is not having any interest regarding campus and placement of students, the stusents who had selected the had selected just because of open campus and some had registered to the private consultancies . Even the college was not having any T.P.O in the year 2007-08, in college site it is given that it has good library but in realism...