RTO India — Driving Licence De-Duplication issue

Address: E-301, Blue Arch, Blue Empire Complex, Mahavir Nagar Extension, Ekta Nagar

Hi, My name is Gunjan Maheshwari. My licence was first issue in Indore, MP. But 2 years ago, I moved my DL to Mumbai RTO. I got the new licence as well. But now while doing renewal of my licence from https://sarathi.parivahan.gov.in/, I am getting below error: Duplicate Record found in Rejected Records. Which are ported form: RTO Indore RTO Kindly Approach the RTO/RLA Authority for DL De-Duplication. Me and my family shifted to Mumbai since 10+ years, we don't have any contact now in Indore. How can I ask Indore RTO for fix this issue? Can I got any email where I can send them this issue, or can you please help to ecalte this issue to Indore RTO and let them fix. My DL renewal is blocked by this issue. Please provide your assitance.
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