Sastasafar — Unauthorised cancellation of my confirmed Flight Booking and PNR

Address: Ground Floor, Building No. 3, Kh. 385, 100 Feet Rd, Ghitorni, Near Town Cafe & Wellness Gym, New Delhi, Delhi - 110030

Please note the following as I am a passenger having booked an economy ticket on the sector CCU-BLR-CCU Travel dates 13 Dec return on 17th December 2022.
My ticket was confirmed and and I have received two PNRs NHKVTK for travel on Spice Jet and R51F4V
My Outward journey was fine and I didnt have any problems with the ticket or the airline, on my return journey I faced a harorwing experience both by the airline ( Go First ) and the reservation / Customer staff at Sasta Safar.
My Booking ID for the same was #SSF00438990.
On reaching the BLR airport for checkin, ( at 18:30 Hrs ) my name and PNR was not reflecting at checkin and 5 other passengers were booked on my PNR ( R51F4V ) On enquiry with the checkin staff they could not retrieve my name on the PNR and were unabale to check me in. I was informed that the flight G8-887 to CCU was delayed by 2 hours and was now scheduled to leave at 22:15 Hrs. On calling customer support I learned at Sasta Safar that my booking has been cancelled!! Reason being given that I had not confirmed my ticket! since the Go First flight was delayed. Customer support had called me a day earlier stating the flight was delayed ( How did they know 24 Hours in advance that the next day flight was going to be delayed? if the airline had a change of equipment / delayed arrival they should have informed passengers directly! ) All said, the told me I would need accept the delay or cancel my booking, to which I did not agree. I said if the flight was delayed they would need to change my booking to an earlier flight on another carrier. Sasta Safar was consistently trying to upsell me to take another flight by paying an additional Ten Thousand!! I have not agreed to this and at no point did they inform me that my ticket has been cancelled. If they did, where is an email confirmation / SMS or any such communication saying so? On asking for that they said it was policy that if the flight is delayed and we didnt agree to their terms they would cancel my booking ( all this was being done at 21:00 hrs at BLR Airport along with the ticketing and reservation staff and their duty officer Promod at the airport. Sasta Safar refused to reinstate my booking and the flight was already booked to capacity. They could and wouldnt do anything but kept me on hold for 20-30 minutes each time ( Call Details Available ) Finally after more than an hour the refused to even pick up the call centre number or offer the passenger ( me ) any plausible explanation.
In the conversation I had with one Niddhi at the call centre she point blank told me there is nothing they can do, neither reinstate or help...I would just have to be happy with a fare refund!!?? Why?? because you have upsold your ticket at a higher rate to someone else? fares on 17th December was 14-20, 000 on carriers flying to CCU.
In frustration I have neither received help from the airline ( Go First ) or Sasta Safar and had to book another ticket on Indigo bought though Ease My trip for over 14, 000/- the same night! as I had to be in CCU on 18th Morning.
Till writing this mail Sasta Safar has neither called me / Mailed or offered an explanation on the ticket / PNR Cancellation! Their ticket clearly says 100% non refundable, Non Chargeable & Non Cancellable! But for who? Only the passenger? what about the booking portal who has done this booking and taken 15, 232/- for my tickets? I have all receipts and payments tickets which are being attached, including my boarding pass on Indigo out of Bangalore on 17th @ 2340 Hrs.
I demand an explanation as a consumer from the airline and the booking portal with all necessary refunds / including cost of buying additional Tiickets and compensation for harrassment / mental agony /and failure to honour a financial obligation to its customer which amounts to cheating. The Booking portal has wilfully not disclosed any details of the cancellation nor provided any document / email / SMS / to me to tell me in advance of the actions they have arbitrarily taken. This has neither been done by the airline to their customers. I would like to state here that I am an Airline Professional having worked in this Airport environment with over 12 years of experience in the same. A reply and explanation along with compensation and refund is expected and the matter resolved at the earliest failing which action under necessary forum / obundsman will be inititated from my side going forward.
Thanking You,
Sanjay Michael Ray
PNR R51F4V Travel Date 17/12/2022 BLR-CCU on G8-887
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    Ground Floor, Building No. 3, Kh. 385, 100 Feet Rd, Ghitorni, Near Town Cafe & Wellness Gym, New Delhi, Delhi - 110030
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