I hold a housing loan account with SBI and the SBI Suraksha account linked with it has the A/C No : [protected].
This housing loan was sanctioned in 2013. And as per the rule, five premiums was to be paid. I have paid Rs. 22172/- each in year 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017. Even after 2017, I noticed some transactions in the account & when approached the branch the manager there told me to pay the out standing and I made a payment of 54708/- and made the balance as Rs1/- as per the instruction by the manager. Later 3-4 there was no transaction in this account & after 4-5 months again it started. When I approached branch, they directed me to RACPC Whitefield.
I met Mr. Vinay at RACPC whitefield and explained all what has happened. This was in April. I spent almost 5hrs in bank, they could not find anything & wanted to refer to backend team. Again I visited RACPC after 15 days and no body knows what is the issue. Its almost 2 months now and still no solution for this issue.
Very sorry to say that the bank is crucifying a customer for the fault from bank's side. And no one respond to the queries. Would appreciate if you can look on to this issue & advice a solution.
Kindly let me know if you need any more details.
Request you not to ignore this mail and hope you could understand how a customer feels when he is made to run from pillar to post not because of his mistake.
Thanks & Best Regards,
Vinod N Was this information helpful? |
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