I live in rural area which village is Vishunpur Pakri of Patna District and it belongs to Beur thana.
On 28/05/2016, I had taken the connection. It should have issued DS-1 connection but intensionally DS-2 connection was issued having told "After meter Instalation It will be reformed and DS-1 bill will be generated". Meter installed in 2019 but not updated from DS-2 to DS-1.
On 13/03/2023, I wrote an online complaint for first billing and its complaint no is [protected].
After 3 days I call on 1912 and got another complaint registered against first billing and its complaint no is [protected].
After 2 weeks, I got a phone call from Punpun Subdivision and it is shared to me my CA no[protected]. In this CA Number have Rs. 16, 354 dues for 1205 units by average billing til march, 2022 and have many incorrect details which do not match to me.. like consumer's name, consumers Father’s Name, mobile number, meter number, connection date. I called back on that number and shared all these incorrects. He called me office with connection receipt, meter's photo and neighbor electricity bills.
next day I visited the office. An Assistant IT Manager sir updated everything except meter number. He told that Meter number correction will be done after payment for this bill with at least Rs. 10, 000 and then Rs. 118 for RCDC.
After next day I visited office and paid 10, 000 applied RCDC. Meter number correction is done but DS-2 consumer based bill generated of Rs. 22, 691 for rest 3310 units (4515 Current Reading - 1205 Previous Reading).
My neighbor is using DS-1 connection and his CA no is [protected].
Finally I request you for changing my Connection from DS-2 to DS-1 and generate the actual bill on Current Reading 4515. Thank you!
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