Hey Aniket, ignore this message & put all the mails in spam regarding this. They are totally fake companies and taken your digital signature while registering you on thier platform. Trust me, they are just trying to, you know, by anyhow they could take money from you. Don't panic! Just ignore these messages.
Even I had registered myself for online work here & I had registered on 17 Feb & was not able to complete the target due to bad and spotty internet connection. Then they on 25th Feb sent me mail regarding warning and so & also said that we have your Adhar Card and Address and all.. so you have to pay the portal charges as per the contract (fake contract I should say). And I just ignored that... And no legal case and all happened. Because they are just fake.
A real and genuine company pays you for doing work...and never fools you by cleverly taking signature while signing the contract.
Even I had registered myself for online work here & I had registered on 17 Feb & was not able to complete the target due to bad and spotty internet connection. Then they on 25th Feb sent me mail regarding warning and so & also said that we have your Adhar Card and Address and all.. so you have to pay the portal charges as per the contract (fake contract I should say). And I just ignored that... And no legal case and all happened. Because they are just fake.
A real and genuine company pays you for doing work...and never fools you by cleverly taking signature while signing the contract.